Paisley Daily Express

Teen jailed for vicious stab attack on his pal

Sheriff reveals he had no option but to lock up thug

- David Campbell

A teenage thug will spend the next two years behind bars after admitting knifing his friend.

Yob Rhys Wembridge, stabbed his pal repeatedly with a pen knife, leaving him with deep puncture wounds in a Paisley flat.

The 18-year-old had previously pled guilty at Paisley Sheriff Court to the attack on John Ross Gordon after breaking into his flat.

The court heard recently how Mr Gordon had produced a ‘large weapon’ during the incident at the Glenburn Road flat, but had not used it and was stabbed several times by Wembridge.

His defence agent Jonathan Manson said: “The complainer produced a large weapon and Mr Weighbridg­e took out a small pen knife.

“That is not disputed by the Crown.

“He does accept that he had several opportunit­ies to remove himself from the locus, but he failed to avail himself of them and that is when the offence occurred.”

Mr Manson told the court that, despite the horror attack, the victim was reluctant for the case to go ahead.

He added: “The complainer bears no ill will or malice towards Mr Wembridge.

“They were good friends previously and I think it fair to say that the complainer was not keen for the case to continue.

“They are no longer friends, but remain acquaintan­ces.”

The court heard that Wembridge, of The Blue Triangle, Paisley, had previously been homeless and had suffered a poor upbringing.

He pleaded guilty to breaking into the flat Glenburn Road flat by forcing the door during the incident on April 24 last year and repeatedly stabbing John Gordon Ross to his severe injury.

Sheriff Seith Ireland told Wembridge that he would take his age and circumstan­ces and the fact that he had a similar previous conviction into account when considerin­g how to sentence him.

He said: “I’m, regretfull­y for you, due to the gravity of the offence, your previous conviction for a similar matter, drawn to the view that, sadly, there is no other disposal available to be me other than one of custody.”

The sheriff ordered him to spend 24 months behind bars at a young offenders facility.

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