Paisley Daily Express

It’s good to walk


This week I finally did something I’d been putting off. I went for a walk. I’m not sure everyone realises how hard it is to leave the privacy and security of your own home when you are very overweight.

It’s difficult to shake the feeling that everyone is looking at you.

I’ve lost count of the number of social engagement­s I didn’t attend over the years simply because I didn’t want to be the biggest person in the room.

A few weeks ago, at Gilmour Street Station, I came off the train and turned the corner to see a group of four adults with a lot of bags standing at the top of the stairs.

I asked them to move and although they initially grabbed their bags and got out of the way, they then started hurling insults at me about my size and how I needed them to move because of my“fat a**”.

While this kind of experience should spur a person on to lose weight, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has felt defiant about their right to be overweight and stubbornly held on to the extra pounds.

This time, I took comfort in the fact that I was already doing something about my fitness.

I’ve averaged four visits to the gym a week since I started and I walked 1.5k without too much effort this week.

I knew it would be easy to go just a bit further next time – so that’s what I did.

I’ve got nearly five months to keep going a wee bit further so that the 10k in August will be achievable for me – the girl who needed her kids to help her off the couch at Christmas.

At weigh-in this week I’d lost 4lbs.

Not earth-shattering, but quite a relief considerin­g I’d gained two at the first weigh-in and I’ve struggled to eat right since.

Despite this progress, I’m no longer working with Stephen at Abbey Mill as he feels I haven’t made enough changes outwith the gym to be successful.

The most surprising thing for me though, is that I haven’t given up!

I’ll be at Paisley’s 10k on August 20 – which is six days before my 40th birthday.

And even if I’m the last one to do it, I will cross the finish line.

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