Paisley Daily Express

Let our nation have a choice


First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has now asked the UK Government p e r m i s s i o n fo r Scotland to have a referendum on our future choices as a nation.

This is not just a debate about what is best for Scotland moving forward, but a debate about our democratic rights.

We have listened to the same arguments time and time again from the opposition parties, so I feel it is important to stress that the main point at the very heart of this debate is the right of the Scottish people to choose their future.

This debate is not about our personal or political views – this debate is about the public and the rights of our nation.

Today, I am not being a staunch advocate for independen­ce – no matter how much I may want to be.

At this point in time, I am an advocate for choice.

Change is now inevitable, unlike in 2014 when many Scots were put off at what they believed was a step too far for our nation.

But all bets are now off as the Tory UK Government looks towards a right wing Brexit that, according to the respected Fraser and Allander Institute, could cost Scotland 80,000 jobs.

This translates to 1,000 jobs in Paisley.

So, we know now that major change is guaranteed.

We heard from a Survation poll last week that 61 per cent of people think the Scottish Parliament should have the right to decide whether Scotland has a future referendum on independen­ce, with 56 per cent also believing that Holyrood should set the timescale for that to happen — a clear rejection of Tory attempts to prevent the people of Scotland having that choice.

But we must ensure that Scotland’s voice is heard as we need to see this as a crossroads for our nation.

We have the clear choice between an independen­t nation in charge of our own destiny, or one that will be continuall­y ruled by a Tory Government in Westminste­r.

So let’s have the debate about our future and show the world that Scotland wants to retake its place as an independen­t nation.

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