Paisley Daily Express

Man dodges jail after exposing himself

Bus cleaner wiggled his manhood at colleague

- Ron Moore

A pervert who flashed his manhood at a female colleague he fancied has narrowly avoided a jail sentence.

Sordid John Armstrong, 60, was punished with 250 hours of unpaid work and slated by a sheriff because of the “significan­t sexual element” to his crime.

The accused appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court yesterday for sentencing following the offence, which took place at McGill’s bus yard in Barrhead, last October.

The court heard bus cleaner Armstrong, of Patterton Drive, Auchenback, in the town, went up to the woman and firstly asked her an inappropri­ate question.

He then followed her to her car, which was parked in the yard, and as she fished out her keys, he pulled down his zipper and wiggled his manhood at her.

The woman, who was definitely not interested, jumped in her car and drove away, later reporting the incident to police.

Armstrong, who has since lost his job, but is trying to find new work as a truck driver in the roads industry, had pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to his colleague. He also admitted that during the incident it was the intention that she would see him undoing his trousers and exposing himself to her.

Defence agent Alistair Gray appealed to the court to consider a community- based disposal, given that Armstrong had only one previous conviction and had pleaded guilty to the offence.

He said: “Reports were called for and they are available from both social work and the Pathways Project. There was a sexual narrative under the Pathways’ assessment, which must be taken into account.

“In considerin­g punishment I would ask the court to consider unpaid work, or even a financial penalty, given that the accused has received the offer of a job.

“He maintains the support of his family, a stable background, has a good work history and suffers from no substance or alcohol issues, and would give the court no cause for concern.”

However, Sheriff Robert Fife told the accused he was being placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register because of the nature of his offence.

He said: “This was a distastefu­l offence.

“However, I am persuaded to not impose a sentence of imprisonme­nt, having regard to the facts and your previous record. You have one offence from a long time ago.

“I will impose a Community Payback Order as a direct alternativ­e to imprisonme­nt, composed of 250 hours of unpaid work to be completed within 12 months.

“There was a significan­t sexual element to this offence, which is why you are being place on the Sex Offenders’ Register.”

Armstrong was ordered to appear back at court in June for a check on his conduct and to make sure he is doing the hours and keeping out of trouble.

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