Paisley Daily Express

Half people ignore life-saving bowel cancer screening test


People’s lives are at risk because they are ignoring the bowel cancer screening test.

On average only 52 per cent of people living in the NHS area Greater Glasgow & Clyde, which includes Paisley, who are sent the bowel cancer screening test for free in the post actually complete it.

That’s the joint lowest uptake rate in the country.

Bowel Cancer UK, the UK’s leading bowel cancer research charity, is encouragin­g people to take part in the screening programme as part of the current Bowel Cancer Awareness Month .

In April alone across Scotland, more than 300 people will be diagnosed with bowel cancer and at least 130 people will die of the disease.

But bowel cancer is treatable and curable, especially if diagnosed early.

Emma Anderson, head of Scotland for Bowel Cancer UK, said: “It’s quite simple, bowel cancer screening saves lives. It’s predicted that even using the current test, the screening programme will save more than 2,000 lives each year by 2025.

“I would encourage everyone who is over 50 to take the test, and for those who are younger to encourage their loved ones who are over 50 to complete it. It could save yours or your loved one’s life.”

If you’re interested in hosting a talk at your work place, community group and any other place that has an existing group or charity, visit bowelcance­ruk. or email scotadmin@ bowelcance­

To find out more about bowel cancer and screening, visit bowelcance­ uk

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