Paisley Daily Express

Violent teen bit cop and attacked worker

Yob warned he’ll be locked up if he doesn’t behave

- Express Reporter

An out-of-control teenager fuelled on Buckfast carried out an eight-month long campaign of violence and abuse.

And now Nathan Stewart has been warned that he is “teetering on the brink” of being locked up after admitting the catalogue of crimes, including biting a police officer and attacking a supermarke­t worker.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard this week that the 18-year-old broke the law on six separate occasions over the short space of time.

And his own lawyer, Charlie McCusker, admitted that booze benders lay at the root of the teenager’s problems, at times downing Buckfast to excess.

The court was told that all of the offences were committed over an eight-month period last year.

He first came to the attention of police after a concerned member of the public reported his “alarming behaviour” at Johnstone railway station, just after midnight on February 28.

He was dressed in dark clothes, with a hooded top, and was acting irrational­ly.

When officers spoke to him, he hurled a torrent of foul-mouthed abuse their way then tensed up and resisted when they went to arrest him. He lashed out so angrily that restraints had to be applied to bring him under control.

Four months later, police found him slumped on the roadside verge in Highcraig Avenue, Johnstone and, fearing for his safety, went to his assistance.

He swore at them, refused to calm down and was arrested, but lashed out once more and bit one of the officers on the arm as he tried to lead him away.

The court was told that around the same time, nightshift staff working at The Asda store in Linwood were suspicious when he was spotted loitering in the alcohol aisle and seemed to be under the influence at 3.40am.

As they attempted to usher him away, he punched and kicked an assistant. Police were called and he was arrested again.

Two months later, he failed to turn up at court when he was supposed to appear for one of the matters and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Then, in October, he reacted angrily when police spoke to him in Paisley’s Abbey Close, and was arrested again when he refused to calm down.

He was made the subject of a curfew as part of bail conditions, but failed to comply and was absent when police visited to check that he was at home.

Sheriff Ireland said he was shocked by the catalogue of offending that involved public disorder and assaults and hit out: “Conduct such as this will not be tolerated.

“You are on a knife edge and teetering on the brink of custody.”

He made Stewart the subject of a 12-month Community Payback order requiring him to carry out a total of 155 hours of unpaid work in a six-month period.

He is also put a Restrictio­n of Liberty Order in place to have him electronic­ally tagged for four months, when his movements will be strictly monitored with a requiremen­t for him to remain at home in Highcraig Avenue, Johnstone, between the hours of 7pm and 7am each night.

Stewart is also to be hauled back to court on July 6 for a review to take place.

The Sheriff warned that the disposal was a direct alternativ­e to custody, which would be almost inevitable if he failed to co-operate in any way.

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