Paisley Daily Express

Lout spat on mum in row over booze cash

Thug violently attacked own mother after argument

- David Campbell

A yob spat in his mum’s face before violently choking her because she refused to give him extra money for booze.

Thug Ryan McDonald had scored cash from his mother Nichola earlier in the night, but when she refused his second request he launched the horrifying attack.

An elderly neighbour looked on in shock as McDonald choked her until she collapsed in a heap before his pal could drag him off.

The 23-year-old admitted the assault at Paisley Sheriff Court this week and was remanded in custody ahead of sentencing next month.

Fiscal depute Alan Parfrey told the court that McDonald’s mother gave him a coin wrapped in a £5 note at around 7pm at her flat in George Street, Paisley on September 7 last year.

He said: “He returned at 8.30pm under the influence of alcohol and asked for more money. She said she didn’t have any more.

“The accused replied, ‘have you no, we’ll see’.”

The court was told that McDonald tried to make his way into his mum’s flat but she stopped him before he could get inside.

He then made his way downstairs followed by his mum who was worried what he might do next.

Mr Parfrey went on: “While going downstairs the accused spat on his mother’s face and hair.

“The accused, while still standing on the stairs, seized her by the hair.

“At this point his friend tried to intervene to separate the parties.

“At that time the accused then seized hold of her by the throat from behind with his right hand.”

During the rammy, terrified neighbours became aware of the incident.

“This disturbanc­e caused a 78-year-old gentleman to be disturbed, he opened the door and observed the accused holding the complainer by the throat until the complainer collapsed to the ground,” Mr Parfrey continued.

Only when McDonald’s friend dragged him off his mum did the attack come to an end.

Police and paramedics were called but Ms McDonald refused hospital treatment.

When the court was shown pictures of her injuries, her son piped up, saying the marks were “birthmarks.”

The cops caught up with the lout later that day but were unable to interview him for 12 hours due to his drunken state.

His defence agent Kirsty McGeehan told the court that her client was very remorseful over the incident and that his mother was still supportive of him.

She said: “His mother has been in constant contact with my office since this offence asking after him and will be fully supportive of him at the end of proceeding­s.”

Sheriff Tom McCartney ordered a background report into McDonald before he is sentenced next month.

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