Paisley Daily Express

Trains, seminar shame ... and a punch-up

Ex-MP recalls Labour’s 2001 election campaign

- Chris Taylor

13.05.2017 Douglas Alexander has revealed his struggles in leading a successful General Election campaign.

The former MP told of his fear Labour’s drive to keep Tony Blair in office would “come off the tracks” after he sent candidates to a manifesto launch.

The former Paisley and Renfrewshi­re South member spoke out on Twitter — in 17 separate Tweets — after the party’s plans for next month’s ballot were leaked.

Mr Alexander said: “In 2001, I was coordinati­ng Labour’s General Election.

“We were launching the manifesto in Birmingham to show our politics were rooted in middle Britain.

“I took a decision that all cabinet ministers should travel by train.

“I also decided – even more rashly – that journalist­s would be asked to travel to Birmingham by that train.

“So, the night before I hardly slept at all, imagining headlines my personal decisions might create if there were train problems.

“In fact, the train arrived on time and the manifesto launch highlighti­ng investment in schools and hospitals went off without incident.

“There was no Twitter, so, on the train, I got phoned to be told Tony Blair was live on TV being harangued on the steps of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

“It was about to get a whole lot worse.

“At our evening planning meeting, Sally Dobson came in and handed me a folded bit of paper.

“It simply said, ‘John Prescott has punched a member of the public’. “That was all.” Mr Alexander also told how former Home Secretary Jack Straw was “slow-handclappe­d” by the Police Federation during a crucial seminar.

Labour went on to take 413 seats in the vote, compared to 165 for the Conservati­ves – leading to Tory leader William Hague quitting.

The Labour party’s manifesto for the June 8 General Election was made public this week, and includes vows to re-nationalis­e the railways, build more houses and raise taxes on high-earners.

Mr Alexander added: “It’s worth rememberin­g that when parties make manifesto plans the Gods often laugh. “Or at least the public often do.” The former Secretary of State for Scotland was unseated in 2015 by 20-year-old SNP newcomer Mhairi Black.

 ??  ?? On the trail Tony Blair and Douglas Alexander in Perthshire in 1997, while he revealed his travel and punch-up worries of the 2001 election campaign
On the trail Tony Blair and Douglas Alexander in Perthshire in 1997, while he revealed his travel and punch-up worries of the 2001 election campaign

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