Paisley Daily Express

Sheriff’s warning for domestic abuse yob

Avoids jail after no-booze pledge

- Express Reporter

A yob who called his partner a “snake” and a “slag” has kicked booze into touch to avoid jail.

Ryan Henson, who has a record of domestic abuse, was building up such a disgracefu­l list of previous conviction­s that he ran the risk of being jailed.

Now the 26- year- old has been shown leniency by a sheriff.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard how Henson, from Glencally Avenue in the town, had previously landed in trouble after an episode involving his partner Hollie Alford.

The court heard the couple had been in a stormy on-off relationsh­ip for two years and when she received threatenin­g text messages from him on December 31 she showed them to police, who traced and arrested him.

Henson chillingly told Ms Alford: “You’re a slag – a snake b*****d – man, I hope you die.”

In a second text message, he stated: “I’m going to end up in jail because of you.”

Henson is currently working a trial period at a tannery in Bridge of Weir and hopes it will turn in to full-time employment.

He appeared in the dock and admitted sending text messages – which were grossly offensive or menacing, abusive and threatenin­g – to Ms Alford at her home in Renfrew,

When police tracked him down and he was detained and cautioned and charged, he replied: “Ram it up you’re a**e.”

Defence agent Charlie McCusker said that on the date in question, despite receiving the messages referred to, Ms Alford had subsequent­ly agreed to meet him and things went well at first.

It was only after police became involved later that day, that she showed the messages to officers.

Mr McCusker said: “Alcohol has been a major factor here and, realising that, immediatel­y after this incident he became teetotal.

“He has been alcohol free since December 31 and there has been no more offending.”

After studying the accused’s record, Sheriff Craig Harris told him: “Your record for domestic offending is absolutely appalling and, as a result, the court would be well entitled to send you to prison for this.

“I have carefully considered all that has been said on your behalf, however, and given that you have apparently stopped drinking and it looks like you are going to obtain employment, I am only just persuaded to refrain from sending you to prison.”

Sheriff Harris made Henson the subject of a 12-month Community Payback Order requiring him to accept all support and guidance and complete 120 hours of unpaid work in a six- month period.

 ??  ?? In the dock Ryan Henson has a lengthy record
In the dock Ryan Henson has a lengthy record

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