Paisley Daily Express

String of offences earns addict two-year sentence


A heroin addict who spat on a policeman and stole from a mobile phone shop has been caged for two years.

Robert McGeachy, 49, was locked up for a slew of offences, including breaching bail, possessing a stolen projector and stashing drugs.

He was slammed for his shameful record – which includes 19 conviction­s for crimes of dishonesty – at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Sheriff Colin Pettigrew insisted he had no option but to send the yob to prison. He said:“You have an appalling record. “Spitting on a police officer is particular­ly repugnant. “You committed this offence while placed on bail seven days earlier.

“There can be only one disposal and that is a custodial sentence.”

McGeachy spat on PC Paul Crawford on Renfrew’s Inchinnan Road.

He also admitted handling the stolen projector and possessing heroin while out on bail for three separate matters between 2015 and 2017.

The thief admitted shopliftin­g headphones from Vodafone in the Paisley Centre on December 7 last year.

He failed to present himself at the door of a property in Inchinnan Road when police arrived to quiz him.

McGeachy was also rapped for failing to speak to police on December 6 last year and on January 7 when police called.

Defence lawyer David Nicholson urged the court to spare his client jail and order him to complete a drug treatment plan.

He said:“He’s ready to address his substance misuse. “Acceptance is the first step to beating any addiction. “He would benefit from support in the community. “He recognises if he doesn’t do this, the choices are stark.”

McGeachy, of Renfield Street, Renfrew, has been told to complete an outstandin­g 46 day stint behind bars before beginning a 23-month stretch.

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