Paisley Daily Express

Gigglethon was a hit


Congratula­tions to the Scottish Book Trust, the library and early years service in Renfrewshi­re, and all the families for the Bookbug Gigglethon’s success – as reported in the Paisley Daily Express.

It was wonderful to see the pictures of so many happy children being introduced to the wonderful world of books.

In this modern age of tablets and computers, it is easy to forget the joy of immersing oneself in a good book.

I still remember the books of my childhood and sneaking a torch under the quilt to read my favourites.

These youngsters, from all background­s, have been given a brilliant start to lifelong learning understand­ing that books are not just on a dusty shelf but something to be enjoyed. These are the confident learners of the future.

Libraries are so important as a haven for learning and a place where a good book is easy accessible.

Thanks to all our library staff for being so welcoming.

We are so lucky to have them in our communitie­s with all they offer.

Thanks especially to all the families who participat­e in opening a whole new world to their children.

Long may they love books and seek them out. Thanks to all involved.

Sandra Webster Paisley


Derek MacKay MSP has alluded to the fact that action on environmen­tal concerns would improve with the election of the SNP to lead Renfrewshi­re Council.

I am sure this will please many people, including myself , who care about their environmen­t .

However , I hope – unlike the last time that the SNP were in power – this will not be to the detriment to the most vulnerable people living in Renfrewshi­re .

Politician­s in all political parties have difficult choices to make , I accept these facts .

In June 2011 , whilst caring for my 90-year-old uncle who had vascular dementia, my 95-year-old alert and active father was given a diagnosis of lung cancer .

Until the age of 93, when my father entered the wonderful Abbeyfield in Johnstone , he had lived independen­tly

Like most men of that generation , they were both war veterans .

Due to my uncle’s illness , I asked for a little help and was told by ward nursing staff and the cancer specialist sister that there was no money for palliative care for those living in Johnstone and Bridge of Weir .

I will not detail the problems I had, including my husband also being hospitalis­ed during this time, but it is interestin­g to read that – rightly – a civilised society provided the most evil of men, Ian Brady, with palliative care at the end of his life.

It seems that in 2011, my father was not thought worthy of such caring .

So I ask those councillor­s who have the responsibi­lity for social care to please make wise and caring decisions about the most vulnerable people living in Renfrewshi­re . Margaret Lavery Johnstone

 ??  ?? Lovely bubbly Tots and parents enjoy the Bookbug Gigglethon
Lovely bubbly Tots and parents enjoy the Bookbug Gigglethon

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