Paisley Daily Express

Night in cell for abusive teenager


A teenager called a police officer a “b*** h” after they arrived to break-up a rowdy party.

Liam Morrow, 19, bawled and ranted after he was warned about noise at the bash.

Despite repeated warnings, he railed at cops until he was restrained and spent a night in a cell.

Mo r row admitted acting in threatenin­g or abusive manner during an appearance at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Fiscal depute Maureen McGovern told how the yob mouthed- off after being ordered to keep quiet.

She said: “Police on patrol were directed to attend a noisy party.

“On arrival, several adults were inside with young children.

“The householde­r was warned about noise.

“Police left a short time later when the accused began to shout and swear at everyone in the house.”

Ms McGovern told how officers returned after a guest called for help when Morrow lost the plot.

She added: “Somebody shopped him into the police.

“His fit of anger continued and reached the level of aggression with witnesses having to restrain him.

“Police requested he desist, but he continued and that resulted in his arrest.

“He continued to shout and swear and called a police officer a ‘b***h’.”

Morrow was lifted after the drama in Barrhead’s Stormyland Way just before midnight on January 20.

Defence lawyer Kirsty McGeehan could not explain her client’s outburst.

Sheriff Tom McCartney deferred sentence on the brute for further reports.

Morrow, of Newtown Avenue, Barrhead, has been ordered to return to court on July 5.

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