Paisley Daily Express

Man ‘dropped his trousers’ in front of female copper

Officer claims she was embarrasse­d by ‘sexual’ jibes

- Chris Taylor

A police suspect has appeared in court accused of exposing himself to a female cop and urinating in the back of a van.

Alexander Arrol, 30, is accused of aiming sexual jibes at the officer, aged 25, after he was handcuffed and driven to a cell.

He is alleged to have dropped his trousers and pressed his privates against a perspex panel near her head before asking: “Do you want some of this? I bet you do.”

Arrol denied making sexual slurs and exposing himself to the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, during his trial at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Arrol insists his jogging bottoms were pulled to his ankles because officers were ignoring his pleas to urinate. He said: “I have a weak bladder, it’s on my doctor’s records. “I peed the bed until I was 13 years old.” The policewoma­n says she was called to a “hostile situation” in Paisley’s Ferguslie Walk because Arrol was bawling in the street.

She told how she monitored him through the police van’s plastic window after he was put in it for the 15-minute journey to Govan Police Office.

But the woman told the court he launched into a foul-mouthed rant before dropping his trousers.

She explained: “He directed his anger and abuse towards me. He started calling me a ‘s**t’. It escalated and he called me a ‘pig s**t’. He continued shouting I ‘needed a good s******g’.

“He then threatened he was going to ‘p**s in the cell van’. He proceeded to pull down his shorts and jogging trousers.

“He was handcuffed to the front, he shimmied forward and pulled them down.

“He was sitting there with his genitals exposed.

“He then grabbed his genitals and pressed them against the perspex window where I was sat.

“He said, ‘Do you want some of this? I bet you do.’”

The policewoma­n told how she was left feeling “embarrasse­d” by the alleged sexual remarks, which included vile references to her body.

Fiscal depute Scot Dignan asked if the officer had ever encountere­d sustained abuse of this nature during her years of service.

She replied: “I have never had that before. I was extremely uncomforta­ble.”

She says the ranting continued until the van reached the police station, where Arrol refused to pull up his trousers.

The woman was forced to pull them up before he could be taken inside.

She added: “He wouldn’t pull them up and if we weren’t going to he said we would ‘be there all day’.

“I was already appalled and disgusted by is behaviour. The whole incident was embarrassi­ng and humiliatin­g.

“It escalated and just seemed to get worse.”

Arrol, who appeared from custody at HMP Barlinnie, told the court the officer and her partner were lying.

He claimed they were not “caped crusaders” and accused them of a holding a grudge against him.

Arrol, formerly of the town’s Glencairn Road, maintained his actions around 5.40pm on February 27 were not sexually motivated.

He told the jury he felt “degraded” by being forced to urinate in the police van because it would not stop.

But Mr Dignan told him he had set out to humiliate the woman sexually before urinating, and then forcing her to pull up his clothing as a final act of defiance.

The trial, before Sheriff Robert Fife, continues.

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