Paisley Daily Express

Ibiza drug man jailed


A holidaymak­er who planned to pack a suitcase with drugs and fly to Ibiza with pals has been jailed for seven months.

Daryll McAdam’s plans for a blowout on the party island were scuppered when cops raided his home in Mossvale Square in Paisley and found a huge stash of cocaine and former legal high Cathinone.

Police obtained a search warrant and raided the property on August 11 last year.

They found 33 grammes of cocaine and 253 grammes of a compacted Cathinone derivative.

Police also seized a number of mobile phones, digital scales, £3,000 in cash and 1,220 euros. Chris Taylor

A hero workie dived into a river to save a drowning stranger on his first day on a job in Paisley.

Scott Wyllie, 44, plunged off the bank in his rigger boots and swam towards the stricken stranger as he floated head-first towards a waterfall.

The dad-of-three dragged the 58-year-old to shore and pumped his chest after spotting a hand thrashing against the currents at the White Cart.

Scott is part of a crew that started working at the Watermill Hotel just hours before the drama.

McAdam, 3 0 , had previously admitted being concerned in the supply of the drugs and when he appeared for sentence, defence agent Paul Lynch stressed that his client had purchased the stash to be split between pals during a weekend of partying in Ibiza.

It was accepted that the cocaine could have been purchased for £700 and the other compound for £1,000 and those would be shared between the group without any profit being made.

The lawyer added that McAdam could explain why he had such a large sum of cash in his home, stating that he had received an insurance pay-out of £6,400.

He had also withdrawn £ 10,000 from his bank intending to spend that amount on a car, but only spent £ 7,000 and kept the balance in his house.

The euros recovered were spending money for his holiday.

Mr Lynch stressed that the Cathinone compound had recently been known as a legal high until being reclassifi­ed.

Sheriff David Pender enquired: “How was he proposing to take the drugs to Ibiza - in a suitcase?”

Mr Lynch said that although it may seem unlikely, that was, indeed his plan.

Sheriff Pender told McAdam that despite what had been said on his behalf, a crime had been committed that was so serious that custody could not be avoided, and jailed him for seven months.

 ??  ?? To the rescue Scott Wyllie Emergency Police perform CPR on the man
To the rescue Scott Wyllie Emergency Police perform CPR on the man

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