Paisley Daily Express

Drunk lout barged into couple’s home

Yob locked out of flats launched verbal attack on duo

- Chris Taylor

A yob left a disabled woman terrified after banging her window then barging into her home.

Deborah Milligan, 43, terrorised Jenny Kermode and partner Don Munro after letting herself in.

She continued shouting and swearing, even after being thrown out of the flat in Love Street, Paisley.

At Paisley Sheriff Court, Milligan admitted acting in a threatenin­g or abusive manner by launching the foul-mouthed rant and entering the property uninvited.

Prosecutor Colin Wilson told how Milligan began bawling because she had lost her key to the building.

He said: “Jenny Kermode was in her living room with Mr Munro, who was doing DIY.

“The accused attended and began banging at the windows, demanding she was granted access to the close.

“Ms Kermode is disabled and cannot walk without assistance.

“The accused allowed herself access to the home by opening the door.

“Upon entering, she was met by Mr Munro, who was caught off- guard by her being in his house.

“He was fearful about what would happen.

“She continued to shout, swear and ramble.

“Mr Munro was able to usher her out and lock the door behind him. He made it back to the living room and observed Ms Kermode shaken because of events and trying to call the police.”

Milligan was described as “intoxicate­d” before the ordeal around 5pm on March 22.

Defence lawyer Paul Lynch insisted his client knows her behaviour was “wholly unacceptab­le” during the “regrettabl­e incident”.

Sheriff Tom McCartney told Milligan he may put her on a drug treatment order, but warned she could still face jail.

He said: “Shouting and swearing while under the influence of alcohol would have been alarming and disturbing to the people who heard it.

“What takes this a step further in seriousnes­s is going into somebody’s house.

“I could decide that’s too far and you could go to prison for that.”

Sentence was deferred on Milligan, of nearby Lammermuir Drive, for the preparatio­n of a drug treatment assessment.

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