Paisley Daily Express

Sobbing dad punched cop who tried to help

He had mixed booze with medication, court told

- Chris Taylor

A dad- of- three found crying hysterical­ly in the middle of the street repeatedly punched the face of a cop who came to help him.

Brian Kerr, 29, was found sobbing uncontroll­ably in Paisley town centre in the early hours of the morning after a row with his wife.

Police found him wandering by the Cenotaph and tried to come to his aid, before he launched into a foul-mouthed rant.

Appearing at Paisley Sheriff Court yesterday, Kerr admitted lashing out at PC Adam Cuthbertso­n and making threatenin­g and violent remarks during the rammy.

Prosecutor John Penman told how his behaviour became menacing as he was bawling at officers.

He said: “All of this kicked off because they noticed the accused in a distressed state.

“He initially told police to ‘f**k off’. They had concerns for him. His behaviour became more aggressive.

“He was arrested and the assault came by repeated punching.

“There was contact on two occasions. He was resistant and continued in the same manner.”

The court heard Kerr was mixing booze with strong medication and had taken to the streets after the fight.

He was spotted by uniformed police weeping on the High Street at around 2.20am on June 4.

Unemployed Kerr has three children aged six, four and two and spent a night in a cell after losing control.

Defence lawyer Jonathan Manson insists his client cannot remember anything from the evening.

He said: “He had taken an amount to drink and had an argument with his wife.

“Police weren’t speaking to him because he had done anything wrong. He was crying uncontroll­ably.

“Police were trying to console him and he told them to go away.

“Two blows landed. He is shocked and appalled at what happened.”

Sheriff Linda Nicolson told Kerr he had avoided a jail stretch, but could face a tougher sentence if he landed in the dock again.

She said: “I think you are certainly very fortunate that I am prepared to deal with this matter.

“In a way, although the shouting and swearing is not excusable, it is understand­able.

“It is troubling the police who went to assist you were met with you lashing out and punching.

“If you find yourself back in court for something similar, you will be dealt with in a far more harsh way.”

Kerr, of Wheatland Drive, Kilbarchan, was fined £225.

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