Paisley Daily Express

DRUG DEBT TORTURE TERROR Step brothers attacked and forced to hand over their belongings

- Ron Moore drugs debt.

An armed thug abducted and brutalised two step brothers in a terrifying four-hour ordeal over a

Fiend David Irvine, 28, attacked victims Andrew Davies and Mark MacMillan with a golf club and a knife over £1,000 owed to him for cannabis and Valium, as well as additional cash sums he had lent them.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Irvine, who was high on a cocktail of drink and drugs, head-butted and repeatedly battered Mr Davies with the

club at a house in the town on August 17.

The brute also pummelled Mr MacMillan with the same club and slashed him with a knife during the ferocious onslaught, which left his victims fearing for their lives.

Irvine, of Springbank Road, Shortroods, also ransacked the brothers’ home, at nearby McLean Place, of their possession­s.

Fiscal depute Pamela Brady told how the lout, who was formerly a friend and neighbour of the brothers, turned violent in the early hours of August 17 after an evening’s drinking with Mr Davies.

The fiscal said: “The complainer­s are step brothers who had run up a debt to the accused of £ 1,000 in relation to cannabis and Valium.

“The accused had lent additional funds to the brothers, whom he knew socially, and these sums had been borrowed.

“At 3am, on August 17, the accused made contact with Andrew Davies at his house in McLean Place and suggested he came to the home of the accused at Springbank Road.

“The complainer did so and, soon after, there was a discussion about how Mr Davies and his brother were trying diamorphin­e.

“The accused became very agitated about this. He didn’t know about it.

“He head-butted Andrew Davies and took a golf club and struck him on the head and body with it.

“The accused then demanded Mr Davies go with him to his flat in order some of his property could be given to the accused as payment towards what was owed to him.

“Both made their way to McLean Place and entered the flat, where Mark MacMillan was present.

“The accused produced a small silver lockback knife and struck Mr MacMillan on the face, causing a small laceration.”

The fiscal added that Irvine then hounded the brothers into emptying their flat of their possession­s which were taken to his house on Springbank Road.

The brothers handed over three guitars, a set of mixing desks, a laptop computer, a TV set, a speaker and a stand, which involved several trips to Irvine’s house in carrying the possession­s.

The court was told how the brothers were “frightened by accused” and complied because “they didn’t want to antagonise him an further.”

The fiscal added: “Mr MacMillan was assaulted by the accused with the golf club.

“These events took place over a four-hour period.

“Both complainer­s felt it would be unwise to try to get away from the accused.

“Eventually, a call was made to a family member by one of the accused, who gave some descriptio­n about what was happening.

“This was brought to the attention of the police.”

The proceeding­s were told that when cops first went to Irvine’s house at 8.30am that morning, both complainer­s were still too scared to speak out about what their attacker had done to them.

However, when cops went back to follow up their inquiries, the harrowing picture of the boys’ ordeal emerged.

The fiscal said: “Officers made a separate attendance at the address where Mark MacMillan went into the hall and told the police what had been happening.

“The accused was detained in custody and taken to Govan Police Station.

“Andrew Davies and Mark MacMillan were taken to the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

“A silver knife was recovered from Springbank Road, which was identified by Mr MacMillan as the knife used by the accused to strike him on the face.”

Cops also recovered the golf club from Irvine’s house, as well as taking statements from the complainer­s.

Mr Davies suffered a fractured elbow, and substantia­l bruising to his body, his right eye and behind his left ear.

While Mr MacMillan, sustained a slash wound to his face below his eye, and bruising on his body.

Irvine pleaded guilty to charges of assaulting Mr Davies by headbuttin­g him, repeatedly striking him on the head and body with a golf club, all to his severe injury.

He also admitted assaulting Mr MacMillan by striking him on the head with a knife, and repeatedly striking him on the body with a golf club, all to his severe injury.

Irvine pleaded guilty to stealing three guitars, a set of mixing desks, a laptop computer, a TV, a speaker and a stand.

Defence agent David O’Hagan said his client was beset with personal issues involving his girlfriend not allowing him to see his baby son, when he called Mr Davies that morning.

He said: “The brothers had moved to Paisley recently and had become friends with the accused.

“There had been drugs bought, cannabis and Valium, by Mr Irvine, which had been shared by the three of them.

“He also gave them loans, and he expected to be paid back.

“On the day in question, he had been drinking and taking Valium, and was drinking socially with Mr Davies, when there was a discussion about Mr Davies and Mr MacMillan misusing heroin. “He had not been aware of it. “He formed the view that the brothers had been taking advantage of him. He effectivel­y blew up and reacted in the manner described.”

The lawyer added Irvine now felt remorseful over how he behaved, and added that his client had no recollecti­on of using the golf club to batter the brothers, but he admitted causing their injuries.

Sheriff Linda Smith said: “This must have been a terrifying ordeal for the people involved.

“The incident went on for a considerab­le period of time and no doubt the injuries accrued would have caused them to suffer fear and alarm

“And I am faced with a record dating back to 2009 which contains assault, bail aggravatio­n and injuries that have been inflicted by weapons.

“Under the circumstan­ces, a period of imprisonme­nt must be imposed.”

She added she would have sentenced him to four years, but this was reduced to three years to take account of his early plea of guilty.

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