Paisley Daily Express

Angry yob caught out for violent outburst

Angler pays the price for threatenin­g former friend

- David Campbell

A raging angler kicked off at his former fishing buddy and his family while armed with a metal pole.

Mark Hirst, 42, launched a tirade against Robert Irvine in front of his partner and their baby, close to water in Gleniffer Braes Country Park.

Hirst was found guilty at Paisley Sheriff Court yesterday of causing Mr Irvine and Samantha Wight fear and alarm, and approachin­g them with a metal rod rest.

He was cleared of carrying a Stanley knife during the same incident, which took place on April 8 .

Mr Irvine described standing on a small pier in the park with his partner and baby boy, who was in a pram, when Hirst appeared.

Under questionin­g from depute fiscal Frank Clarke, he said: “An individual approached us, it was Mark Hirst.

“I know him from around the Braes fishing. He appeared drunk and aggressive. He raised his voice.

“He was shouting and getting in my body space. He shouted ‘what have I done, where do I stand?”

Mr Irvine said he eventually left, but claimed Hirst returned later, this time with a metal fishing rod rest and a Stanley knife in his hand.

He said:”My partner said, in a startled voice, ‘ he’s coming back’. He wanted trouble.

“He had a Stanley knife, it was six inches with a retractabl­e blade.

“I jumped in front of the pram. I feared for the safety of my partner and my son.”

Worried about his family, Mr Irvine said he called the police as Hirst made off.

Hirst took to the stand to deny carrying an offensive weapon, but accepted his behaviour was inappropri­ate as he shouted and swore at the family on the small pier.

He told the court he had challenged Irvine over alleged threats he had made to his partner, and that is what sparked the row.

Presiding sheriff , Linda Smith, found him guilty of causing fear and alarm by shouting and swearing and also of carrying the metal pole during the incident.

Hirst, of Park Road, Paisley, was fined a total of £550.

He was cleared of carrying the Stanley blade.

 ??  ?? Victim Robert Irvine was with his young family when he was accosted
Victim Robert Irvine was with his young family when he was accosted
 ??  ?? Fined Mark Hirst was fined at Paisley Sheriff Court
Fined Mark Hirst was fined at Paisley Sheriff Court

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