Paisley Daily Express

Lout with shocking record is locked up

New dad jailed after failing to carry out punishment

- Ron Moore

04.11.2017 A yob cleared of domestic violence charges at a trial ended up behind bars because of his appalling record.

Gerrard McKee, 31, faced claims he had abused his partner Shannon Muir, 22, for smoking while she was pregnant during a bust up.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard McKee, of Levern Crescent, Barrhead, fought with his partner, who put him out of the house as a result of their rammy on May 17.

However, McKee was sent to prison instead of set free from the dock because he had breached terms of a court order earned from his previous thuggery.

His defence agent Matt Coyle told the court : “In dealing with other matters in respect of the accused, he will accept grounds of a breach of his community payback order.

“This matter was deferred to await the outcome of the trial, which has proceeded with his acquittal. He accepts the grounds of the breach this October, which involved his failure to carry out unpaid work.

“He has 20 hours completed of the unpaid work and wishes to retain a relationsh­ip with Miss Muir, who recently gave birth to their child.”

The lawyer added McKee was making attempts via the social work department to arrange contact with the child, but still struggled with drink and drugs issues.

Mr Coyle said: “Opportunit­ies have been given him. He is still trying to seek help for his offending. He says he would engage with the order.”

However Sheriff James Spy locked McKee up for three months telling him: “Given the terms of the report and your history, I cannot see the point on making a new order.”

The lout previously assaulted his own mother and yelled racial abuse during a shameful incident in February.

He attacked Elizabeth Lanigan by striking her on the head, and admitted acting in a racially-aggravated manner intended to cause distress and alarm to Duncan McKie by uttering raciallyab­usive remarks.

While in November 2016, McKee assaulted another woman, Ellen Catterson, as well as sparking mayhem at Saunders Court, also Barrhead, where he behaved in a threatenin­g and abusive manner likely to cause fear or alarm by shouting, swearing and struggling with police officers.

The yob has also racked up numerous bail aggravatio­ns, breaches of probation, as well as been previously fitted with an electronic tag and placed on home curfew.

Opportunit­ies have been give to him. He is still trying to seek help for his offending Matt Coyle

 ??  ?? In hot water Gerrard McKee
In hot water Gerrard McKee

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