Paisley Daily Express

Birthday boy bit his friend and kicked a policeman

Behave or be locked up, says sheriff

- Ron Moore

A youth who celebrated his 18th birthday by biting his mate and “donkey kicking” a cop has been warned he faces being locked up if he continues to misbehave.

Ciaran Corry sank his teeth into Conan Fletcher’s cheek during a row in Paisley’s New Street.

A trial at Paisley Sheriff Court heard that Corry, now 19, of Montgomery Avenue, Gallowhill, was arrested for assault after being out celebratin­g in the town with more than 50 members of his family and friends on November 7, 2016.

Once placed in the back of a patrol car, he lost the plot and began headbuttin­g the window and swearing and shouting abuse at officers.

PC Alasdair Bisset, 28, told the court: “When he was arrested, he became increasing­ly aggressive, shouting, swearing ‘f**k off,’ ‘youse are gettin’ done in,’ and he called us ‘black b**tards,’ and referred to my colleague as a ‘ginger b**tard’ “He then tried to headbutt me. “I opened the door to calm him down when he swung his legs around and kicked out, hitting me on the face. “He made contact with my jaw.” Corry appeared for sentencing on Friday after he was found guilty of assaulting Mr Fletcher by biting him, assaulting PC Bisset by kicking him, behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner, uttering threats of violence, repeatedly striking a police vehicle and struggling violently with officers.

Defence agent Gemma Rathay said: “Your lordship will recall the trial of October 13 where he was found guilty and reports were called for.

“Regrettabl­y, he had consumed a significan­t amount of alcohol. It was the main factor in the way he behaved that evening.

“It was his 18th birthday and he had been out celebratin­g with family and friends and he consumed a lot of alcohol. This got him into the position he now finds himself in.

“He has shown a lot of insight over events.

“And he does speak to feeling responsibl­e and remorseful for his behaviour following the outcome of the trial.”

She added that Corry had recently become a dad, which has proved to be a “sobering” experience and she urged the court to hand him a community based disposal.

Sheriff David Pender showed mercy to Corry, but warned him that any more offending will see him banged up in jail.

He said: “You have reached a point where you now have two lots of conviction­s. If you continue offending in this manner, the court will consider custody as the only way of stopping it.”

He handed Corry a Community Payback Order lasting 18 months, in which he will attended mandatory alcohol counsellin­g, and perform 200 hours unpaid work within nine months. Kicked off: Corry spared jail JS*133521291 ends

He does speak to feeling responsibl­e and remorseful for his behaviour

 ??  ?? New dad Ciaran Corry
New dad Ciaran Corry

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