Paisley Daily Express

Lout lifted by police claimed weapon was for self defence

- Chris Taylor

A yob caught with a blade stashed in his pants told cops: “I carry knives because of extremists.”

Declan McCarthy, 18, was rumbled after he was caught on CCTV hiding the weapon.

He was lifted with a pal — who cannot be named for legal reasons — and who also had a knife, but ditched it as cops arrived.

The pair admitted possessing the weapons when the case called at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Prosecutor Pamela Brady told how the thugs were flagged up to cops after McCarthy was spotted pulling a blade on camera.

She said: “They had been noticed by police in the town centre and were being monitored by a CCTV operator.

“McCarthy removed a knife from the waistband of his trousers and put it into the sleeve of his top.

“They were seen to go towards the cenotaph and join another group of males.

“The CCTV operator maintained observatio­ns as officers made their way to where they were gathered.

“McCarthy was then detained by police for the purpose of a search.

“Initially, t h i s revealed nothing, but then they found the knife had been placed into his underwear.

“The other man had been seen on CCTV to leave the group and make his way up Moss Street a short distance.

“Within a few seconds, he was seen to return.

“While police officers were dealing with the group, a shopkeeper approached and pointed him out to them.

“She stated she had seen him enter the doorway of her shop and drop a knife there.

“This was later recovered by officers.

“While in the process of being taken to Govan police office, McCarthy stated that he carried knives because of extremists and to protect himself.”

The court was shown footage of the pair walking through the town centre and a knife could clearly be seen.

Both were arrested after the weapons were recovered in the High Street around 4.45pm last June 16.

The court heard McCarthy is a firsttime offender and both had a “high level of contact” with social services.

Ms Brady told how he had confessed to police after being loaded in a van.

Sheriff Tom McCartney warned all options will remain open to him.

He said: “In respect of each of you, I will adjourn for the purpose of obtaining a criminal justice social work report.

“I will continue bail on each of you in the meantime.”

Both men, from Glasgow, were ordered to return for sentencing on March 22.

They found the knife had been placed into his underwear Pamela Brady

 ??  ?? Guilty Declan McCarthy
Guilty Declan McCarthy

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