Paisley Daily Express

Cancer warning for men


A rugby legend is calling on Paisley gents to check themselves, or face the consequenc­es.

Former Scots Rugby Union number 8, Eric Peters, is urging blokes to check for any unusual testicular lumps and bumps.

A new survey is showing a majority of rugby players, and men, are not regularly checking themselves out.

Research by Orchid – Fighting Male Cancer - reveals that only 37 per cent of rugby players regularly inspect themselves, meaning almost two thirds of men are not – which could be putting lives at risk.

Eric was diagnosed with testicular cancer during rehabilita­tion for shattering his knee.

He went to get it examined, was diagnosed with early stage testicular cancer and subsequent­ly successful­ly treated for the disease – returning to play rugby for club and country.

Eric said: “The reality is that we need more men of all sports to be comfortabl­e with holding more than just a rugby ball in their hands.

“I survived testicular cancer because I knew the importance of getting checked out at the earliest opportunit­y, and I caught mine in the early stages.

“Self-checking is quick and easy and it could mean you spot something early that saves your life.”

Testicular cancer most commonly affects men between the ages of 15- 45 and, if caught at an early stage, men can expect a high cure rate with 98 per cent surviving a diagnosis.

Monthly self-checking is therefore recommende­d as the best way to achieve early detection.

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