Paisley Daily Express

Mystery over injured OAP


Police are scouring a house after a pensioner was found outside with a head injury.

A man, 75, was rushed to hospital after he was discovered struggling on Paisley’s Falside Road.

Forensic teams launched a probe and were seen searching the home and gardens.

Detective Inspector Scott McCallum confirmed officers have spoken to those inside.

He said: “We are investigat­ing, but are yet to establish if any crime has been committed.”

Cops raced to the street after receiving a 999 call in the early hours of Thursday.

They cordoned off the property after the OAP was found just

after midnight.

He was taken to the nearby Royal Alexandra Hospital.

It is understood his condition is not life-threatenin­g.

Neighbours took to social media after emergency crews filled the street. One said: “Looks serious. “There’s two forensics vans and three cars.

“The path is still cordoned off and it was getting dug up about 20 minutes ago.

“Two officers are still there guarding the house.”

Teams wearing white suits could be seen combing the area in search of clues.”

Police still stood guard outside the home yesterday.

Another neighbour told how a helicopter was seen hovering above the property in the evening of the drama.

They said: “It had its lights pointing towards the house.

“It seemed to be there for ages.

“Police have been digging up paths and putting up cordons.

“Have no idea what’s going on, but it must be something big.

“I hope everybody is okay.”

 ??  ?? Keeping watch A police officer stands guard at the home in Falside Road
Keeping watch A police officer stands guard at the home in Falside Road

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