Paisley Daily Express

Blight of drugs and vandals


Members of a community council have heard that drugs, vandalism and anti-social behaviour have blighted their area in the past few weeks.

Police told Paisley West and Central Community Council that the main issue they have been dealing with in the west end was related to drugs.

And in the town centre, anti-social behaviour was dealt with by police.

It was noted that bus stops have been vandalised and that it has become more widespread within the past month. Graffiti was also a problem.

Police told members that if they see a group of youths and feel threatened or suspect that they are likely to cause trouble, they can call the police who will move them on.

It was also noted that the police are happy to continue moving traffic on from West Brae and deal with obstructio­ns at junctions but that parking on yellow lines and issuing of tickets remains the responsibi­lity of traffic wardens.

Community Wardens told the community council that between November 1 last year and January 31, they had four complaints of dog fouling, 26 complaints of flytipping, two about litter, two about fly-posting, three cases of antisocial behaviour.

There have also been 29 complaints regarding parking.

It was noted that police had conducted 71 general patrols and had dealt with underage drinking at School Wynd.

Members heard that yellow lines have been repainted from the former Co-op site to Wellmeadow Street and Castle Street and new parking signs put up.

A community council member noted that Wellmeadow Street has a large bin with black bin bags sitting outside it, and wardens promised to investigat­e.

A member reported that there had been fly-tipping at West Brae next to his property – the wardens stated that they would investigat­e this too.

Scott Bevan confirmed his wish to become a co-opted member of the community council. The secretary confirmed that the necessary paperwork would be printed and delivered to him. ● The next meeting of Paisley West and Central Community Council will be tomorrow at 7.30pm in the Central Community Hall, Lady Lane.

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