Paisley Daily Express

Thug in rammy with cops


A lout lobbed a bottle before tussling with four cops after sparking a town centre rammy.

Paul Wilson, 26, bawled foul-mouthed rants before officers were called in to stop him at the High Street.

He then wrestled with the them and tried to wriggle free during the row.

At Paisley Sheriff Court, the yob admitted acting in a threatenin­g manner and assaulting police..

Sheriff David Pender warned he could face harsh sentence after learning he was already on a Community Payback Order for another offence when he lost the plot.

He said: “You were subject to a report at the time these offences were committed.

“I am now having to order another.”

Police were called in after Wilson was spotted acting aggressive­ly in the shopping precinct.

He hurled a bottle and other items, while ranting and uttering threats at officers.

The thug challenged them to fight before he was restrained.

The court heard it took four officers to restrain Wilson when he began lashing out.

He pled guilty to assaulting PCs Jon McKinney, Cameron Gilchrist, Ashleigh Boyle and Stephen Knox and obstructin­g them in the line of duty.

The brute resisted by struggling, attempting to break from their grasp and lashing out with his legs.

He repeatedly tried to kick them, before booting the inside of a police van after he was arrested at the High Street last July 30.

Wilson appeared in handcuffs in the dock after being jailed for another matter.

He is serving a six-month stretch after breaching the his community payback order. He was locked up in December, but is expected to be released in the next fortnight.

A criminal justice social work report gives details on any past or current conviction­s and will be used by the sheriff to determine which punishment should be handed out.

Refusal to comply with the probe can see offenders hauled back into the dock to explain their behaviour.

Those dodging meetings with social work staff will be reported to a sheriff, who will decide whether further punishment should be applied.

Wilson, of nearby Tannahill Terrace, will be sentenced for his latest offence on March 29.

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