Paisley Daily Express

Domestic abuse thug caged for threats


A boozed-up bully has been caged for five months for terrorisin­g his partner.

Charles Glen, 58, is behind bars after he bawled and swore at Linda Thomson during a row over drink.

He turned nasty after demanding alcohol during a row at home.

The brute admitted acting in a threatenin­g manner towards the woman at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Defence lawyer Terry Gallanagh insisted his client’s problems were sparked by addiction.

He said:“Charles Glen is killing himself with alcohol. He has drunk himself into a position and has numerous bloody ulcers which require regular medical attention. “His partner remains supportive of him. “She wants him back. “The difficulty is both have problems with alcohol and it may become fraught again.” Glen appeared in the dock in cuffs. The court heard he has a lengthy record for domestic abuse.

He was arrested after he kicked off at Ms Thomson in Paisley’s David Way on January 25.

Glen was only just released after serving two consecutiv­e prison stretches.

Sheriff Colin Pettigrew insisted another spell behind bars was the only realistic option.

He said:“I have been addressed on your record and we can both agree it is poor for similar types of offending.

“Taking everything into account, including your disengagin­g with services and excessive drinking, there can be only one disposal.”

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