Paisley Daily Express


- Express Reporter

A driver smashed his powerful BMW at a primary school’s gates after falling asleep at the wheel.

William Munro, 37, was so exhausted after caring for his terminally-ill mother that he nodded off while driving.

He had been up all night looking after his mum when he ploughed into a lamppost at St Fergus’ Primary School, in Blackstoun Road, Paisley, and wrote the car off.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Munro and his 73- year- old father were taking it in turns to care for his mum.

She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year after the disease

spread from her lungs, and decided she wanted to spend her final months at home with her family in Paisley.

Munro, of Lismore Drive, Paisley, appeared in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court for a pre-trial hearing.

He pleaded guilty to a charge of dangerous driving by falling asleep at the wheel, losing control of the vehicle and causing it to hit a lamppost.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Pamela Flynn said the crash took place at 8.50am on Saturday, October 7 last year.

She explained: “Police officers observed a road crash, which had just occurred directly outside the gates of a primary school.

“A blue BMW had come to rest against a lamppost. It was facing oncoming traffic and blocking the road.

“The accused identified himself as the driver and told police he had been driving and was feeling tired and had dozed off while driving.”

Munro’s passenger also confirmed he had fallen asleep, and Munro was taken to hospital to have an arm wound looked at.

Defence solicitor Alastair Gray said Munro knew the matter was serious but that he was a victim of circumstan­ce.

He explained: “Falling asleep at the wheel is inherently dangerous.

“In September 2017 his mother, who had previously been diagnosed with lung cancer, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer after it spread.

“She was told nothing could, ultimately, be done and decided to spend her last few months at home.

“She passed away on December 20.

“She was staying at the address where he resides and was being looked after round-the-clock by him and his father.

“Prior to this incident, Mr Munro had been taking the night shift, so to speak, in order that his father did not have to stay up all night.

“A friend had been staying with him for moral support.

“He was taking him back home in the morning and was very tired.

“He was employed as a joiner prior to this but the vehicle was written off and he couldn’t travel to work.”

After hearing what led to the crash and that it had cost Munro his job, Sheriff Colin Pettigrew fined him for the offence.

Sheriff Pettigrew ordered him to hand over £450, reduced from £ 600 as he admitted his guilt, and banned him from driving for 12 months, reduced from 16 months.

“It is a dreadful disease and I lost both my parents through cancer, so I can understand your efforts assisting your father during the night.

“But I have to be concerned about the public safety factor.

“This was extremely fortunate this was a Saturday and the school was closed.

“I don’t want to contemplat­e what might have happened at 8.50am on a school morning - and I suspect you don’t either,” said the sheriff.

Munro has to sit and pass the extended driving test before being able to drive again.

Sheriff Pettigrew explained: “If you don’t do that, even though the 12 months has expired, you’ll be driving while disqualifi­ed. So don’t go down that road.”

 ??  ?? Dozy driver William Munro
Dozy driver William Munro

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