Paisley Daily Express

Heroin seized after sharp-eyed police swoop on drug deal

Two men arrested in west end

- David Campbell

Eagle-eyed cops recovered £700 worth of herion after spotting a drugs buy in Paisley.

Officers also recovered a large quantity of cash during an operation in the town’s west end.

It is understood that two men were observed exchanging cash for drugs in Broomlands Street around 2pm on Tuesday afternoon.

When police intervened, one of the men ran off but the other was caught and was allegedly found to have 7.3 grams of heroin, with an estimated street value of £700 on him.

Following the successful stop and search on the man, a raid was carried out on a property in the town’s William Street.

During the raid, officers seized a four-figure sum of cash from the flat, which they believe is connected to the drugs trade.

Inspector Tracy Harkins, from Paisley’s community policing team, warned dealers that officers are actively out looking for them and appealed for informatio­n from the public to help track them down.

She said: “Officers recovered around 7.3 grams, of what is believed to be heroin, with an estimated street value of £700 in Broomlands Street.

“We then carried out a search of a property in William Street where a four figure sum of cash was recovered, which we believe is connected to drugs- related activity.

“This was a successful operation which removed a large quantity of a dangerous substance from the streets.

“If you have any informatio­n about drug dealing or use in your area then we would like to hear from you.

“We will take immediate and direct action against drug dealers within our communitie­s wherever we find them operating.”

Two men, both aged 29, were arrested in connection with drug offences and a report has been sent to the procurator fiscal.

• If you have any informatio­n about drug dealing, you should contact police on 101 or Crimestopp­ers, anonymousl­y, on 0800 555 111.

 ??  ?? Clamping down Inspector Tracy Harkins is encouragin­g people to come forward
Clamping down Inspector Tracy Harkins is encouragin­g people to come forward

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