Paisley Daily Express

Mayhem after dad’s five-day cocaine bender

He threatened to stab man

- Chris Taylor

A dad on a five- day coke binge launched his girlfriend’s clothes out a window then threatened to stab a neighbour.

Gary Weir, 30, tossed D e b o rah Ma r t i n ’ s belongings into the garden before running outside with a knife.

The couple, who have two children, fell out when she moved out to stay with her mum.

The yob admitted brandishin­g the blade and making threats at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Prosecutor Emma Jeffrey told how he went mad after returning home and finding she was gone.

She said: “Ms Martin had been in a relationsh­ip with him for several years.

“There had been some issues and this resulted in her leaving home and going to stay with her mother.

“The accused attended at their house but she was not there.

“Witnesses saw him shouting and swearing in the garden.

“He then went into the property and began to throw clothing out the bedroom window.

“One of the witnesses was Ms Martin’s cousin and she called her to tell her what she had seen.

“Two others living in another flat saw him in the garden in possession of a silver-handled knife.

“He was holding it above his head and shouting to a neighbour in the adjoining garden that he was going to stab him.”

Unemployed Weir was arrested after police were called when he lost the plot at the flat in Madras Place, Neilston, on February 28.

The court heard he was “highly agitated” and was rushed to hospital.

The former delivery driver was banned from contacting Ms Martin until he pled guilty this week.

Defence lawyer Alastair Gray asked for his client to be able to return to the family home.

He said: “This was very much the crescendo of a five-day cocaine binge.

“He had been having problems with that particular drug.

“He has been receiving therapy to help with his addiction and has that under control.

“His recollecti­on is limited.”

The court heard Ms Martin, a student at Paisley’s West College Scotland, asked for her partner to be allowed back to help with the children, aged three and two.

Sheri f f James Spy insisted he wanted to find out more about Weir’s background before he passed sentence.

He said: “I’m not prepared to deal with this by fine because you are not working.

“The case will be continued for four weeks for reports.

“You must cooperate with their preparatio­n.”

Weir has been ordered to return to court on May 8.

 ??  ?? Lout Gary Weir
Lout Gary Weir

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