Paisley Daily Express

Iain takes on top Scouting role

Maths teacher becomes new District Commission­er

- Kenneth Speirs

Scouts in Paisley have a new boss.

Iain McNair has been appointed District Commission­er for Paisley and District Scouts.

He takes over from Rob Murray, who has moved on to another role within the young people’s organisati­on.

Mr McNair, 50, who comes from Glenburn and is a maths teacher, takes up his post at a positive time for Scouting.

Figures show that in the past 10 years, the number of youngsters in the organisati­on is up 28 per cent, with the figure for adults up 56 per cent.

And for the former pupil of the now closed Stanely Green High School, his appointmen­t to the top job is the culminatio­n of a long family tradition.

He said: “I’ve been involved in Scouting since I was eight.

“However, I can probably say three, because my brother was a Cub Scout and my father used to take my brother to the Cubs on Friday night and I was taken down to get out of the road of my mother.

“So I was aware of the Scouts from the age of three probably.”

The young Iain was a member of the Second Paisley Abbey troop, with whom he remained up until the age of 16, when he moved on to Arkleston Venture Scouts.

“Then I got my Queen’s Scout Award and I went back to being a leader with the Abbey.

“I’ve done various leader roles over the years.

“I was officially warranted at the age of 20, and this is my 30th year of Scouting. “My intention was to retire. “Then I got a phone call from the Regional Commission­er Mr Stephen Allan, and he said would I be interested on taking on the role of district commission­er.

“My predecesso­r Rob Murray had done a fantastic job and built up a great structure, and I have seen district commission­ers come and go over the years and it can quickly fall apart – and I didn’t want that to happen.”

There are around 300 young people and about 200 leaders currently involved in Paisley and District Scouts. Mr McNair’s job will be to organise the district team and ensure that Scouting is continuall­y building in Paisley.

“We have a new strategy to go into deprived areas,” he said.

“Last year, there was a Beaver Colony started in Ferguslie as an arm of John Neilson Institute Scouts, or the JNI, as we call them.

“We’ve got a group up in Foxbar as well, so we’ve got quite a spread and we’ve got young people throughout the east end of Paisley right through to Seedhill.”

Building the numbers of Scouts in Paisley and district is a priority for the new commission­er.

“To build leaders is going to be the key because without a strong leader base, it’s going to be more and more difficult,” he said.

“Facebook generates a lot of interest and through families. Typically it’s word of mouth.

“A person will go to the Scouts and then their mother will say to a friend’s mother and they come along together and it builds.

“And of course we’re big on girls joining now.”

Fun, learning, and outdoor adventure are three of the big things that the Scouts can offer boys and girls, and people can now be part of a Scout section up to the age of 25.

“You have Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and then Networkers,” Mr McNair said.

“Typically, Networkers are leaders but they don’t have to be leaders.”

Friendship is also another big offer from the Scouts.

“I wouldn’t have the friends I have today if it wasn’t for the Scouts...and I wouldn’t be in my position today as a teacher if it wasn’t for the Scouts,” Mr McNair said.

“It gave me a lot of confidence. It gave me a lot of skills and abilities to plan, to execute a plan.

“So when I became a teacher, I had been working with young people for a long time and it was just an easy transition.

Mr McNair added: “It’s the biggest gang in the world,” he said.

“It’s a fantastic organisati­on to be part of.”

If you would like to join Paisley and District Scouts, then head to their Facebook page for details.

You can also visit www. paisleyand­

It’s the biggest gang in the world. And it’s a fantastic organisati­on to be part of Iain McNair

 ??  ?? Good Scout Ian McNair
Good Scout Ian McNair

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