Paisley Daily Express

Councillor’s safety fear over clean-up kids

Politician claims school litter picks are open to abuse

- David Campbell

23.05.2018 A councillor has raised concerns that unvetted members of the public are joining in school litter picks.

Labour’s Carolann Davidson claims online posts advertisin­g clean- ups are an open invitation to unsavoury characters to attend.

But SNP administra­tion members hit back, insisting she is “scaremonge­ring” and should get behind the Team Up To Clean Up campaign.

Councillor Davidson cited a recent post on the official Team Up to Clean Up Facebook page asking for members of the public to join pupils from St Andrew’s Academy in a local litter pick.

The Renfrewshi­re Council member for Paisley East and Central said: “I have had parents contact me who are very concerned about this call for the general public being invited to participat­e in a school event, outwith the safety of the school grounds.

“Anyone could turn up. I totally agree with their concerns. I have a teenage daughter and would be horrified if she was put in this potentiall­y risky situation.

“I have expressed my concerns over this to Children’s Services, but I have not had a satisfacto­ry response. I have just been told they will look into it.

“Parents have to be made aware that their children are being taken out of school, often without parental permission.

“I have been told by children’s services, that for certain outings, which includes Team Up to Clean Up, the school can exercise ‘assumed consent’. I find this extremely worrying. I don’t believe that children should ever be taken out of school without parent a l permission.”

She added: “Teaching young people to have social responsibi­lity is important. My own children were brought up the same way I was. If there is no bin available, you keep your litter until you get home.”

The criticism of the event has been rebuffed by administra­tion bosses who insist the safety of children taking part is paramount. They accused Labour of playing party politics over a successful campaign.

Councillor Cathy McEwan, convener of the Infrastruc­ture, Land and Environmen­t Board said: “This is just another example of Labour’s scaremonge­ring tactics. The opposition have never supported the Team Up to Clean Up campaign and in spite of the huge success and growing support for it, they have refused to get involved at every step of the way.

“I am disappoint­ed Councillor Davidson has chosen to go down this route, questionin­g the safety of the children taking part and the potential motives of volunteers.

“The Team Up to Clean Up campaign relies on communitie­s working together and young people are an integral part of this. Of course the safety of pupils is of the utmost importance to all involved which is why pupils are always supervised when taking part in any litter picks.

“I would very much like to see the evidence for Councillor Davidson’s claims and whether she has received any genuine complaints about this or if this is just another attempt to shed a bad light on what has been a wholly positive campaign.”

 ??  ?? Concerned Carolann Davidson
Concerned Carolann Davidson

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