Paisley Daily Express

Yob caged for pestering cops

Lout wouldn’t allow officers to do their jobs

- Chris Taylor

A“nosey”lout who pestered cops during a call- out has been caged.

John McGuire, 33, started headbuttin­g the inside of a cell van when he was lifted for getting involved in an active investigat­ion.

He was also rapped for dodging a hearing in front of a jury at Paisley Sheriff Court.

McGuire was jailed for more than a year after he appeared in the dock to admit the charges.

Prosecutor Alan Parfrey told how he turned “volatile” and “aggressive” after repeatedly badgering officers, even after being ordered to keep away from the scene.

He said: “The police were trying to deal with another matter and he approached them. “He was instructed to stay back. “He ignored the instructio­n and continued to approach.

“One of the officers drew their baton and instructed him again to stay back.

“The accused again refused to do so. “He was restrained and detained. “He began to tighten his arms and body to prevent being handcuffed.

“The accused was taken into a police van.

“During the course of the journey to the station, he continuall­y headbutted and kicked the inside of the van.

“This behaviour continued and he was placed in a cell alone at the station.”

Police had been called to deal with a disturbanc­e in Paisley’s Canal Street when McGuire appeared.

They were trying to diffuse the situation when he repeatedly tried to intervene on April 11 last year.

The court heard he wrestled violently with police before lashing out in the back of the van.

McGuire had been on a boozy fishing trip when he came across the row.

Defence lawyer Gordon Ritchie said: “He was trying to find out what was going on.

“That nosiness caused police some difficulty.

“They didn’t welcome his concern, they were trying to get people away.

“Mr McGuire was being a nuisance by trying to find out what went on and not taking no for an answer.”

The yob was due to face a jury for hindering police, but failed to turn up in March.

McGuire appeared in the dock in cuffs yesterday after being brought from prison.

Sheriff Seith Ireland slammed McGuire for getting in the way of police and warned skipping court is not acceptable.

He said: “Your record of offending is such that you should be considered for a custodial disposal.

“For failing to attend the sheriff and jury court the penalty can be quite high indeed.

“The public need to know that failure to attend at court is a serious matter.”

McGuire, whose address was listed as HMP Low Moss, was jailed for 152 days for obstructin­g police and eight months for failing to appear at court.

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