Paisley Daily Express

Sleazy chef pounced on women in pub

Creep faces jail and is placed on Sex Offenders’Register

- Express Reporter

A Paisley chef has been placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register and is facing jail for groping a young woman at the popular pub he worked at in the town.

Martin Burke, 54, assaulted the woman, who can’t be named for legal reasons, at the Abbey Inn.

Burke pounced on her at the Barrhead Road bar on July 16, 2017.

He went on trial at Paisley Sheriff Court yesterday facing a single charge under Section 3 of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009.

He denied sexually assaulting the woman by placing his hands under her clothing against her will and touching her breasts.

But, after the woman gave evidence, Burke pleaded guilty.

Defence solicitor Nadine Dormer said Burke, who has a previous conviction for threatenin­g or abusive behaviour, had a good work ethic.

She explained: “Mr Burke has never been involved in such offending in his 54 years.

“He has worked all his life and still holds down a position of employment.

“Your Lordship will clearly require reports (to be prepared ahead of sentencing).”

Sheriff Tom McCartney called for Burke to be assessed by social workers and specialist profession­als who work with sex offenders to assess his risk of future offending.

He said: “Having regard to the nature of the offence to which you have pleaded guilty, I should inform you that, with immediate effect, you will be subject to the notificati­on requiremen­ts of the Sex Offenders’ Register.

“Because of the nature of the offence, I shall not deal with sentencing today.

“I shall adjourn sentencing for the purpose of obtaining a Criminal Justice Social Work Report and a Pathways Project Risk Assessment Report and I will continue bail.”

Burke, of Kirkintill­och, is set to learn his fate in July and could be caged for as long as 12 months for the offence.

With immediate effect, you will be subject to the requiremen­ts of the Sex Offenders’ Register

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