Paisley Daily Express

Thug terrorised ex and her neighbour

Lout already in jail over his part in break-in at OAP’s home

- Express Reporter

A Paisley yob who was recently caged for targeting a pensioner has been jailed again for terrorisin­g his ex and one of her neighbours.

Last month, Colin Sly was locked up for 16 months for his role in the theft of cash, an iPad and a car from the OAP’s home.

And the 25-year-old has been caged for a further three months for telling his former partner’s neighbour he was going to “kick her c*** in” – then smashing his way inside his ex’s home.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard he was at ex Nicole Watson’s home in Findhorn Avenue, Paisley, on September 29 last year and started banging on the door of downstairs neighbour Hayley Gilchrist.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Lynn Jamieson explained: “Miss Gilchrist was at her home address upstairs and became aware of banging and shouting at the door of the flat.

“She jumped out of bed and ran to the door.

“The door was opened and the accused was standing there shouting and swearing at the witness.

“He then said, ‘See for saying I was a paedo and stealing my money, I’m gonna kick your c*** in. This was overheard by a neighbour.”

When Miss Gilchrist tried to close the door Sly put his arm up to stop it, but she managed to push him back and shut it.

Sly stayed outside for a while, shouting and swearing, before jumping in a taxi and leaving.

Less than a month later, on October 12 last year, Sly went on to terrorise Miss Watson after he went to her door.

Miss Jamieson, prosecutin­g, explained: “She looked through the keyhole and saw the accused.

“She shouted, telling him to go away and saying he was not getting in.

“He said, ‘If you don’t let me in, I’ll put the door in’.

“This was overheard by another witness who looked through her keyhole and saw the accused standing there.

“He then said, ‘Last chance, or it’s going in’ and, at that point, he forced entry.”

Sly was then asked to leave and eventually did so in a taxi.

Sheriff David Pender told him: “Your record of offending and the nature of the offence means I can only deal with this case by a period of imprisonme­nt.”

He sentenced Sly to four months due to his guilty pleas.

This was then reduced to three months as he had spent time on remand over the offences.

He ordered the term to begin when his current jail term comes to an end.

Sly, formerly of Springbank Road, Paisley, was caged for 16 months last month for a raid on a 77-year-old woman’s Johnstone home, leaving her life a wreck.

Prosecutor Alan Parfrey said: “Her confidence has been shattered.

“She speaks of the consequenc­es and how she has felt and the fear she now has when going in and out of her home.

“There’s been a financial impact over what she has had to do in terms of security.

“The total value of items, including the car, was around £4,850.”

Sly was trying door handles with a pal when they found the home in Spateston Road unlocked on December 12 last year and he stood guard while his friend went inside.

Sly became a laughing stock in June 2013, when he had an attack of vertigo while stripping lead from a Paisley roof as he became stuck and had to be rescued by firefighte­rs.

Cops found him on the building surrounded by sheeting he had tossed to the ground.

 ??  ?? Jailed again Colin Sly
Jailed again Colin Sly

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