Paisley Daily Express


Driver was battered as he drove

- Ron Moore

A maniac passenger punched and grabbed a taxi driver by the throat as he drove at 70mph on a motorway.

Drink- sodden Graeme Cox, 30, assaulted TOA driver Patrick Ponsonby during a terrifying early- morning journey.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Cox’s

girlfriend Ashley McWilliams screamed out in horror, warning the accused: “You are going kill us all.”

At one point, railway worker Cox – who was jailed for eight months yesterday – opened the rear passenger door as Mr Ponsonby drove from Johnstone to Renfrew on May 12.

Fiscal depute Colin Wilson said: “Ms McWilliams and her partner Graeme Cox had attended a social function in the Johnstone area. Both had consumed alcohol.

“Mr Ponsoby, a TOA driver, picked up them up and both entered the vehicle. The accused was under the influence of alcohol.

“Almost immediatel­y, the accused argued with the taxi driver. He suggested he had already paid for the taxi.

“He took an aggressive stance. He was in the face of Mr Ponsonby.

“His partner told him to calm down and be quiet. But his behaviour continued as the driver made his way to Renfrew via the A737 eastbound carriagewa­y.

“Both became involved in an argument. “The accused was shouting. “The driver asked them what was going on. “He reminded them he was on a motorway. “The accused said: ‘What the f*** are you going to do about it?’

“He punched the driver on the left side of the face. The accused forced the driver to alter his driving position so that he was out of reach of the accused.

“The accused then grabbed the driver by the neck while he was driving at 70mph.

“He heard Ms McWilliams shouting ‘ You are going to kill us all.’”

The court heard Cox then opened the rear passenger door as Mr Ponsoby was driving under a bridge near Glasgow Airport.

The fiscal added: “The driver heard what he thought was a back window open but he saw the accused had opened the rear driver side passenger’s door. “Ms McWilliams was heard screaming. “The driver noted he was doing 70mph at this point. The accused then again tried to punch the taxi driver. The taxi driver was forced to take evasive action and distanced himself again from the accused.”

The court heard once Mr Ponsonby left the motorway and headed for Renfrew town centre, he planned to go straight to the police station and report the attack.

However, Ms McWilliams pleaded with him not to and paid for the fare as he dropped them off near Renfrew Town Hall after 4am.

The court heard people living in Ard Street later described an attack by Cox on Ms McWilliams – where he was seen stamping on her body in the close.

Police called out to the disturbanc­e found the victim with marks on her face. She also had no shoes on and her clothes were in a dishevelle­d state.

She claimed she had fallen and hit the back of her head and officers noted there also was an injury to the back of her head.

Yesterday, Cox appeared from custody and pleaded guilty to charges of culpably and recklessly, while travelling as a passenger, punching Mr Ponsonby at 70mph, seizing him by the throat, opening the rear door, while the vehicle was moving, and placing passenger Ms McWilliams at risk of serious harm.

He also admitted assaulting Ms McWilliams at Ard Road by striking her on the body and stamping on her body, to her injury.

Defence agent Kevin Brady said: “He recognises how serious this is.

“He could have killed himself and others with his conduct in the taxi.

“He has no recollecti­on of the events. His memory is extremely hazy. There was far too much alcohol involved. However, that is no excuse for his conduct.”

Mr Brady urged the court to consider handing Cox, who works for a railway utility firm earning £ 600 a week, a hefty fine, compensati­on for the driver and a community-based sentence.

Sheriff Susan Sinclair told Cox: “Your conduct was reckless in the extreme. Not only did you cause physical injury, you also opened the door in the taxi, putting passengers and other road users in serious danger.”

She jailed Cox, who already has a conviction domestic aggravated violence, for eight months.

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Lout Graeme Cox

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