Paisley Daily Express

Con who breached curfew is caged


A lag on a tag has been locked up because he refused to remain in his granny’s house at night.

Kevin Bishop, 32, claimed he legged it from his nan’s house during curfew hours because she was embarrasse­d her neighbours would notice constant cop visits.

He thumbed his nose at directions to stay in after sundown on four occasions.

The lout was caged after he admitted breaching rules to stay at home.

Defence lawyer Chris McKenna told how he had been forced to leave.

He said: “He’s 32, single and unemployed.

“He had been residing at his gran’s house. “She asked him to leave. “She couldn’t tolerate the number of times police were at the door for routine bail checks.

“It caused her great embarrassm­ent.

“He felt he had no choice but to leave.”

Bishop was ordered to stay at his gran’s in the town’s Ferguslie Park between 7pm and 7am each night.

Police would make sure he was in after he was granted bail for a separate matter.

But he began sleeping at friends’ houses after being turfed out between January 4 and 19.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard he was cleared of the matter he was bailed for, but has since begun using drugs.

Bishop has been put on a methadone programme to try to get clean.

He is already serving a jail stretch for breaching curfew rules.

The lout was supposed to be released later this month.

The solicitor urged the court to call for a probe into his client’s background.

Sheriff Linda Smith refused to bring in social workers and added to his stint behind bars.

She said: “I am not prepared to call for reports.

“Your record shows a number of breaches of the bail act.

“I’m going to impose a sentence as of today’s date.”

Bishop, of Drums Avenue, was ordered to serve two months behind bars.

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