Paisley Daily Express

Cannabis farmer collared by cops


A hash farmer’s stash was uncovered after cops turned up to quiz him about something else and spotted his plants.

Mark Corrigan, 37, was collared after police spotted five shrubs growing in a black tent inside his flat.

They had visited to speak to him about another matter – but discovered the £ 600 set- up when his girlfriend let them in.

Corr igan admitted cultivatin­g the Class-B during a hearing at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Sheriff Tom McCartney blasted him for putting youngsters at risk by producing drugs at home but spared him a jail stretch.

He said: “One of the most concerning aspects of this case is there are children regularly in your home and you produced a controlled drug in the house.

“That is a matter of great concern.”

Corrigan was not home when officers uncovered the crop.

Partner Natalie Prentice let them inside.

They spotted the plants in the building after noticing the tent indoors in the town’s Ferguslie Park.

Prosecutor Colin Wilson told how the team unzipped it and found “five large, green plants” that officers “believed to be cannabis”.

Corrigan came home as police were searching the building last July 28.

He claimed he started growing the drug because he was addicted to it.

He was detained and police combed the home.

Six mobile phones were also seized during the sweep.

Defence lawyer Paul Coyle insisted his client had a good work record but was currently unemployed.

Social workers were called in to compile a background report on the offender.

He was put under their supervisio­n for 12 months after they revealed details of his life and home setup to the court.

The lout has been ordered to undertake drug counsellin­g.

Corrigan, of Candren Road, has also been told to complete 100 hours of unpaid work in six months.

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