Paisley Daily Express

Man took pictures of his ex in bed

Court orders contact ban

- Chris Taylor

A spurned creep hounded his exgirlfrie­nd to her pal’s home and took photos of her in bed through a keyhole.

Jaroslaw Pelczynski, 43, snapped pictures of Angelika Rozanka through the front door.

She found the images on his bed after visiting his flat to collect their son’s belongings.

He has been banned from contacting her after bombarding her with dozens of text messages.

At Paisley Sheriff Court yesterday, Pelczynski admitted terrorisin­g his victim after they split.

Prosecutor Colin Wilson told how he turned nasty after they broke up.

He said: “The accused turned up drunk at the home of a friend where she was staying.

“He was shouting and swearing through the door.

“These comment s were aimed at his former partner.

“He was shouting and accusing her of having an affair with somebody inside the house.

“She later went to his house to pick up items and possession­s belonging to their son.

“When she was there, she found two images lying on the bed.

“These were taken through a front door keyhole and that keyhole was at the home where she was residing at the time.

“One image showed her lying on the bed.”

Pelczynski trailed the woman to a flat in Paisley’s Shortroods.

He legged it after she called police after the drama on April 29 last year.

The court heard the pair had lived in England and been together for eight years before they split after moving north.

He would send her vile text messages “10 to 15 times a day”.

The weirdo repeatedly turned up on the bus she took every morning.

He would climb aboard but would not say a word to her.

Pelczynski pled guilty to terrifying the woman between last Spring and May this year.

The dad had been barred from three streets after police were called in.

He was also ordered to keep 100 yards away from St James’ Primary.

Defence lawyer Tony Callahan insisted his client acted out after his former partner stopped him from seeing their son Oliver, six.

He said: “He’s a 43-yearold man and has no previous conviction­s of any kind whatsoever.

“T h e re w a s an incident at his address and his neighbour had complained of noise.

“He was playing footgall with his son in the flat.

“Police came and made enquires about the mother of the child and attended at her home and work.

“They wanted to vierify the position regards to him having such a high level of contact.

“She took umbrage at being contacted by police and said contact had to stop.

“He thereafter acted inappropri­ately.”

Sheriff Seith Ireland warned Pe l c z y n s k i he would face a stern punishment if he continued to hassle his ex.

He said: “This is a serious incident because it lasted for some time.”

Pelczynski, of Stock Street, has been ordered to return to court on October 5.

 ??  ?? Banned Jaroslaw Pelczynski
Banned Jaroslaw Pelczynski

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