Paisley Daily Express

Police probe break-in at restaurant

Teens flee Gantry empty-handed

- Ron Moore

07.07.2018 Two hapless teenage yobs fled empty- handed after breaking into a popular Paisley restaurant.

The suspects, aged between 14 and 18, targeted the Gantry Restaurant in New Street around 1.30 am yesterday.

Police received reports of two suspicious characters raking around at the till area in the licensed eatery.

The culprits had smashed their way into the premises through the front window and had been spotted by a sharp-eyed passerby.

However, they were forced to flee from the scene moments after the break- in was reported with cops quickly in attendance.

Officers working on the inquiry are appealing for witnesses or to anyone with informatio­n to come forward.

The first of the suspects is described as being aged between 14 and 18, of medium build and with dark brown hair.

He was wearing a grey hooded top and grey track-suit bottoms.

The other suspect is of a similar age and he is described as being of slim build with dark brown hair. He was wearing a dark-coloured jacket and dark trousers.

Cops are scouring CCTV images, canvassing local businesses and carrying out inquiries in the community as they attempt to track down the pair of louts.

Bosses at the Gantry confirmed it was “business as usual” and they had not suffered the loss of money or goods as a result of the break-in.

Police, meanwhile, received reports of an attempted break-in at the Life Church in the town’s Moss Street at around the same time as the incident at New Street.

Yobs smashed a window at the house of worship, but fled before making an attempt to enter the church.

Anyone with informatio­n about either incident is asked to contact police at Mill Street on their 101 nonemergen­cy contact number.

Alternativ­ely, people can ring CrimeStopp­ers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.

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