Paisley Daily Express

Bully lost the plot with partner in front of cops

Raging yob’s vile outburst at ex

- Ron Moore

A foul- mouthed yob bullied his terrified partner then vented his anger at police, a court was told.

Paul Canning, 29, lost the plot with Jenna Crossan during a domestic disturbanc­e at Killoch Road, Ferguslie Park, leading to her reporting the rammy to cops.

Fiscal depute Colin Wilson said the lout even continued to verbally abuse his partner as he was being lifted by officers called out to the incident on December 28 last year.

At Paisley Sheriff Court, the prosecutor said: “At around 7.30pm police attended the incident at Killoch Road in relation to a complaint and at the locus they observed that Jenna Crossan appeared to be visibly distressed.

“At this point Canning was detained.

“He looked towards his partner and said, ‘I am f****** countercha­rging you, you f****** dirty c**. You are coming to Mill f****** stupid c***.’

“Police informed him he was under arrest and he was cautioned under common law.

“But during the journey to the police station he continued the disorderly conduct.

“He was shouting at police officers within the vehicle, saying ‘Look at you, you shiny wee c***,’ and ‘Police are a********.’”

Canning, of Dalskeith Road , pleaded guilty to a domestical­ly aggravated charge of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner likely to cause a reasonable person to suffer fear and alarm by shouting, swearing and uttering offensive remarks at his partner.

The accused also admitted shouting, swearing and making offensive remarks to police during the journey from Paisley to Greenock Police Station.

Defence agent John Gardener said: “The accused is embarrasse­d and ashamed at finding himself before the court.

“The relationsh­ip with the complainer has finished.

“He pleaded guilty to the charges and sentence had been deferred while a restrictio­n of liberty order assessment was carried out.

“He is in regular employment and would be in a position to pay a financial penalty.”

Sheriff Susan Sinclair told Canning he was “getting awfully close” to being sent to jail but handed him a Community Payback Order as “a direct alternativ­e to imprisonme­nt.”

He will perform 160 hours unpaid work within six months.

 ??  ?? Lout Paul Canning was warned by a sheriff that he was close to being locked up for the incident
Lout Paul Canning was warned by a sheriff that he was close to being locked up for the incident

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