Paisley Daily Express

Change of heart from gas board


A group of Paisley families claimed they had been“conned”by the Scottish Gas Board.

The accusation came when, according the them, the board reneged on a promise to connect council and private houses in Leitchland Estate to the main gas supply free of charge, we told in July 1980.

Each family was now to face a bill of between £120 and £160 for the connection.

They made a united approach to the board in May of 1978 asking that their homes be supplied with gas.

They were told that a survey would be carried out to determine if there was sufficient demand to justify laying main pipes.

The board promised that if was the case“the cost of placing mains in the roadway and individual services and meters to houses would be borne by us, but the cost of the internal heating appliances would require to be financed by the tenant”.

Officials decided last year to go ahead with the project. Then came the shock. Letters were sent to all of the families, saying: “We have now estimated the necessary works involved and in your case you would requite to contribute a sum of...”– and they quoted figures in excess of £120, depending on the house.

Scottish Gas said:“We initially told the residents they would only have to pay for the appliances, but our policy changed.

“They must pay some of the cost of laying a pipe to their homes, but it is only a percentage.”

 ??  ?? Fundraiser­s Carolanne and Louise
Fundraiser­s Carolanne and Louise

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