Paisley Daily Express

Drug dealer must wait to learn his fate

Cops snared man with cocaine

- Ron Moore

A rowdy yob who admitted dealing cocaine in Paisley is facing a jail sentence.

Steven Johnstone, 28, was snared by cops at Renfrew Road in the town on June 19 in possession of the Class-A drug.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Johnstone was also wanted for a separate domestic rammy involving his former girlfriend Ms Laura Gardner and vandalism to a motor vehicle, when he appeared from custody yesterday.

Johnstone of Glenapp Avenue, in the town’s south end, stood in the dock and pleaded guilty to charges of possession of a controlled substance, namely Class A drug cocaine, with intention to supply to another or others.

Defence agent Amy Spencer told the court : “There was a warrant outstandin­g on him for a considerab­le time and he has had a taste of custody .

“He has not found this a pleasant experience.

“Things had taken a turn for the worse as far as his drug use is concerned but he has not taken any drugs or alcohol since he was remanded.”

Johnstone had also pleaded guilty to charges of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner in that he repeatedly demanded entry to the property at Highfield Avenue, Paisley, on January 8 last year, repeatedly striking a door, uttering threats and sending texts to his former partner.

He also admitted charges of recklessly vandalisin­g a motor vehicle at the address by causing damage to the rear view mirror, the steering column, removing the windscreen wipers and damaging the key.

Ms Spencer, who said the relationsh­ip had ended, urged the court to allow Johnstone, whose family showed up at court, “the privilege of bail.”

She added: “He pleaded guilty to the older matter.

“Then worked away for a few months. Then he didn’t deal with the matter and surrender himself to police. “But he has learned his lesson. “He is a young man who performs music at bars and venues around the Paisley area.

“He is involved with Brick Lane Studio and wishes to teach disadvanta­ged children the experience of music.”

Sheriff James Spy warned the accused these were serious matters, but granted him bail while he called for reports in preparatio­n for sentencing.

He said: “You have no previous conviction­s for drug offences. But have failed to turn up at court for the other complaint.

“Considerin­g the time you spent on remand, I will grant you bail.

“But you had better cooperate in preparatio­n of reports.”

Johnstone will discover his fate when he appears at court on July 31.

 ??  ?? In the dock Steven Johnstone
In the dock Steven Johnstone

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