Paisley Daily Express

Woman knocked out in assault


A woman was knocked unconsciou­s after a brute threw her to the ground after leaving a Paisley pub.

The 43-year-old victim had been enjoying a drink in The Afton Bar when she struck up a conversati­on with her attacker.

However, he turned nasty as they left the boozer and started walking along George Street.

The violent yob grabbed her by the neck and pushed her to the ground, knocking her out cold for several minutes, just after midnight on Sunday into yesterday morning.

She sustained a number of injuries to her face as a result of the unprovoked attack and was helped by passers-by.

Police have described the suspect as being a white male, aged around 21, with short dark brown hair and a beard. He was wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans.

Officers are appealing for drinkers who may have seen the man in the pub to come forward.

Inspector Tracy Harkins, from Paisley’s community policing team, said: “A 43- year- old woman was assaulted by a male in George Street, at 12.01am on Monday morning.

“She was pushed to the ground by the male after they left The Afton Bar together. She was knocked unconsciou­s during as a result and was helped by other members of the public.

“I would appeal to anyone who may have observed the male suspect within the pub that night, or who may have witnessed the assault.

“If y o u have any informatio­n at all then we would like to hear from you.”

If y o u h av e any informatio­n, you should contact police in Paisley on 101.

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