Paisley Daily Express

Thug who attacked girls tries to overturn six-year prison term

Lout’s plan revealed as he admits another offence

- Chris Taylor

A thug caged for six years for trying to rob two girls wants to overturn his conviction.

Thomas Fadian, 44, was jailed after he was found guilty of pouncing on the victims as they walked down the street.

But he revealed plans to beat the rap after admitting another offence at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Defence lawyer Ki r s t y McGeehan insisted her client hoped to be released.

She said: “He’s now been convicted at the High Court of two assaults and attempted robbery. “He was sentenced to six years. “There is an intention to appeal the conviction and sentence.”

Fadian was locked up after he targeted Melissa Hunter, 20, and Jodie Turner, 18.

He met them after a birthday night out in the town.

The brute walked with them before he grabbed the younger girl’s arm and tried to snatch her purse.

He legged it after Melissa aimed a kick at his groin.

Fadian insisted he was innocent during a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

But he was sent down after the women gave evidence against him.

Melissa told how she had followed advice given to her by her mother during the attack last December 30.

She said: “I turned to kick this man – obviously in the privates area.

“I had been told by my mum that if anyone tries to get hold of you, kick him where it hurts.”

Fadian pounced as the girls walked along Netherhill Road.

He had been released early from a six- year jail term for an armed raid at a cafe.

The yob targeted the diner five years ago in Hardgate, West Dunbartons­hire.

Lord Summers slammed the lout as he sentenced him for attacking the girls.

He said: “You have an appalling record and a prison sentence is the only disposal available to me in this case.”

Fadian was back in the dock to face fresh charges in Paisley last week.

He admitted making violent threats and hurling a brick and a plant pot at a door in Renfrew.

Sheriff James Spy gave him another two-month stretch.

He said: “These proceeding­s have been overtaken by other matters. You now face a substantia­l prison sentence. As far as sentence is concerned for this, it’s 60 days.”

Fadian, formerly of Glenburn, will be supervised for five years when he is released.

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