Paisley Daily Express

Have your say on new plastic recycling plan


Paisley councillor­s have urged Buddies to have their say on proposals for a new plastic bottle return scheme.

The Scottish Government wants to introduce a system that allows customers to return empty containers to shops for a payment.

It is hoped the scheme would boost recycling of plastic bottles in Scot;and, which currently sits at just 50 per cent.

Councillor Kenny MacLaren, SNP member for Paisley Southwest, want local people to give their views on how best to make idea work.

He said:“We would encourage everyone to go online and get involved in this consultati­on, let the Scottish Government know what you want to see in a deposit return scheme.

“Deposit return schemes offer the chance to embed a step change in recycling performanc­e. Other systems in Europe are achieving capture rates of up to 95 per cent for target materials compared with around 50 per cent in Scotland at present.

“Too many plastic bottles and coffee cups are cluttering up our streets as people irresponsi­bly litter in our local communitie­s.

A deposit return scheme – where returning such items to local stores and receive some form of payment or discount on their shopping – would encourage more recycling.”

Councillor Stephen Burns added:“I have already moved a motion at the council to look at the issue of plastic straws and the harm they cause to the environmen­t, so I am keen to see how we could tackle the issue of single use drinks containers.

To take part in the consultati­on, visit: environmen­t-forestry/ deposit-return-scheme/

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