Paisley Daily Express

Coke-dealing pub singer dodges jail after bust by cops

Sheriff hands out payback order

- Ron Moore

A pub singer and entertaine­r done for dealing cocaine in Paisley has been shown mercy by a sheriff.

Steven Johnstone, 28, narrowly avoided a jail sentence after he was busted by cops acting during an intelligen­ce-led operation in the town’s Renfrew Road on June 19.

However, he was also wanted for a separate domestic offence involving his former partner Ms Laura Gardner, and vandalism to a motor vehicle, when he was arrested by police.

Yesterday at Paisley Sheriff Court, Johnstone of Glenapp Avenue, in the town’s south end, appeared for sentencing after he admitted charges of possession of a controlled substance, namely Class A drug cocaine, with intention to supply to another or others.

He had also pleaded guilty to charges of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner in that he repeatedly demanded entry to the property at Highfield Avenue, Paisley, on January 8 last year, repeatedly striking a door, uttering threats and sending texts to his former partner.

He admitted charges of recklessly vandalisin­g a motor vehicle at the address by causing damage to the rear view mirror, the steering column, removing the windscreen wipers and damaging the key.

The court was told he had been wanted on a warrant when the drug bust happened. He also spent time behind bars on remand, which he found not to be “a pleasant experience.”

A defence agent urged the court to consider handing Johnstone a community-based disposal given his lack of a criminal record for drugs’ offences.

The lawyer added that Johnstone, who performs music at bars and venues around the Paisley area, had pleaded guilty to the offences and had refrained from taking drugs since he was arrested.

He had since been living with his sister at her address in Paisley and has been making a fresh start in turning his life around.

Sheriff James Spy told the accused that drugs offences were “serious matters.”

He said: “I will impose a Community Payback Order comprising 12 months supervisio­n. You will also have 280 hours of unpaid work to be completed within 10 months of today’s date.”

Johnstone’s performanc­e on the order will be reviewed by the court on November 2, this year.

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 ??  ?? Guilty Steven Johnstone
Guilty Steven Johnstone

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