Paisley Daily Express

Tragic Grace will be remembered at charity fundraiser

Quiz night will salute popular murdered childminde­r

- Kirsty McKenzie

A fundraisin­g event held in memory of a childminde­r who was murdered is aiming to raise £1,000 for a cause close to her grieving family’s heart.

Kate Seaman’s sister Grace Kissell died at the hands of exsoldier John Haughen in Linwood three years ago.

Now she is arranging a charity quiz night to raise money for Embrace Child Victims of Crime on behalf of Grace.

The family fundraiser marks the third annual Grace Day held in memory of the popular mumof- one. Kate, 30, said: “We’re having a quiz at the Kilbarchan Old Library Centre and we hope to see as many friends and family there as possible.

“We are hoping to raise between £700 and £1000 on the night for charity.”

Grace was killed in May 2015 when ex-squaddie Haugen, 41, stabbed her 27 times at the flat he rented from her in Cowal Drive, Linwood.

Since Grace’s tragic death, her family have held various fundraisin­g events in her honour.

Kate said: “I think it is great for Grace’s daughter Amber to see positive things coming out of this and to know that Grace has not been forgotten. This gives the community the chance to remember how special Grace was.”

This year the family have chosen to donate the funds to Embrace, an organisati­on which offers therapy and trips away to children who have been affected by crime.

Last year the charity arranged for Amber, now 16, to take a trip to Disneyland with her grandparen­ts and meet other teens who had suffered devastatin­g loss as a result of crime.

“We’ve always tried to help charities that don’t usually get as much recognitio­n and choose charities that have touched our lives in some way.

“Amber had an amazing time. It gave her and the other kids a chance to escape the difficulti­es in their lives.

“She really enjoyed herself and we want to raise money so other children can benefit too.”

Anyone who would like to get involved in Grace’s Day, which will be held on November 9 at Kilbarchan Old Library Centre, can email graceforem­brace@

In September 2015, Haughen was jailed for 19 years.

Haugan was sent down after he admitted killing Grace in a frenzied attack in a row over money.

 ??  ?? Happy together Grace (right) at a family wedding and (inset) Kate with Amber
Happy together Grace (right) at a family wedding and (inset) Kate with Amber

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