Paisley Daily Express

Teen who pulled out a knife at party avoids jail

Lout had ditched weapon by the time cops arrived

- Chris Taylor

A teenage yob has been spared jail after he pulled out a knife when he was turfed out an 18th birthday bash.

Ross McGeachie, 19, whipped out the lockback blade after being kicked out the Powerleagu­e party.

He claimed he had been passed it by a pal.

McGe a c h i e admitted possessing a weapon from the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Sheriff Colin Pettigrew ordered the lout to carry out unpaid work.

He said: “At the very best, he must have picked it up at the venue.

“That’s the best scenario possible. “Did he hand it to anybody? No. “He was under the influence of alcohol at the time.

“Anything could have happened.”

McGeachie pulled out the blade at the football pitch clubhouse in Blackhall Street.

Another lad, 17, began booting at the door after closing time on January 5.

Bouncers told how he was acting “aggressive” and was “shouting, swearing and punching and kicking” at the entrance.

Police were called, but McGeachie ditched the weapon.

But it was later recovered by officers.

Prosecutor John Penman earlier told how the lout turned nasty after boozing.

He said: “There was an 18th birthday – both were there.

“The clue is in 18th, there was drink taken.

“Witnesses Sharif and Mitchell are door stewards.

“It was approachin­g 11.30 pm.

“The door stewards closed the door over.

“McGeachie produces, what is described as, a lockback knife.

“He was holding it in his right hand in full view of witnesses.”

Defence lawyer Jacqueline Jobson earlier claimed McGeachie had been passed the knife.

She said: “It’s clear everybody was under the influence of alcohol.

“He did not at all produce the blade. “He was seen with it.” The court heard the younger lad lashed out after drinking too much.

Sheriff Pettigrew added: “The offence is aggravated by the fact you were on bail.

“You were on a community payback order for another office.

“I come to the view that custody is not the only appropriat­e disposal.

“But it has to be a fairly high tariff sentence.”

The 17-year-old, of Johnstone, was fined £350 for his part in the rammy.

McGeachie, of Cardonald, Glasgow, was ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work in nine months.

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Missed Alex Murrin

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