Paisley Daily Express


Fury over ‘Jeremy Kyle’ jibe at colleague

- Jack Thomson

A controvers­ial councillor has told another elected member if she wasn’t in politics “she would be in the holding room of The Jeremy Kyle Show”.

Paul Mack – who has only recently returned from a seven-month ban – was up to his old tricks at Thursday’s full council meeting.

The veteran councillor launched a tirade against the Labour Party, accusing the group of being “full of antiSemite­s”, before personally attacking Councillor Karen Kennedy.

He said: “If Karen Kennedy wasn’t here, she would be in the holding room of The Jeremy Kyle Show.”

The independen­t Paisley Southeast member had been speaking about the future of Ferguslie Park’s Hillview Nursery, when he turned on individual­s in the Labour Party.

He told Labour councillor­s they “owe the parents an apology for the way you conduct yourselves”, as he claimed they were using the threatened nursery’s situation for political gain.

Councillor Eddie Devine, Councillor Kennedy’s dad, said the comments were “beyond the pale”.

Renfrewshi­re’s leader of the Labour group confirmed his intention to report Councillor Mack to the Standards Commission.

He said: “To have such a personal attack is too far. It was just outrageous. Personal attacks shouldn’t be allowed.”

Provost Lor raine Cameron intervened after Councillor Mack’s outburst.

Councillor Kennedy, who has worked closely with the parents at Hillview Nursery, brushed off the remarks.

In a post online she told nursery parents: “Despite claims in the meeting that I’m using you for political reasons that is so far beyond the truth and quite frankly offensive.”

It’s not the first time Councillor Mack, who was first elected in 1995, has sparked controvers­y.

The maver ick had previously branded a rival an “SS officer” and another a “cross between Hyacinth Bucket and Glenn Close just before she boils the rabbit”.

Bu t h e told a Standards Commission tribunal last year that he had “no regrets” over the insults.

 ??  ?? Insult Paul Mack
Insult Paul Mack

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