Paisley Daily Express



Let us conclude this little series of articles about our authentic Christian faith by thinking of the basic experience of being a Christian.

Karl Barth wrote 13 massive volumes about Christiani­ty but he simply described his own faith, “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.”

A personal testimony is most effective so let me share my story.

I was not one of the Billy Graham converts in the 1950’s with a dramatic experience.

The critical decision in my Christian life took place when I decided to change from law to becoming a minister.

With that change I went head-to-head with Jesus.

It was not so much the academic study with the Old Testament Hebrew language and the New Testament Greek but is was more the personal readjustme­nt of my whole way of thinking and living.

Then I realised that the course of my personal life was being guided by someone greater than myself. It would be many years later in my ministry in Paisley that I would encounter Hans Kung’s wonderful descriptio­n of Jesus.

“Jesus cannot be fitted in anywhere. Jesus is the man who fits no formula. Jesus is different, the historical Jesus in his wholeness turns out to be completely unique”(‘On Being a Christian’page 212).

The Jesus I have encountere­d and who has won my total commitment is the Jesus who is in full control of my life.

Jesus is not the possession of any one denominati­on, and as Hans Kung rightly stated, cannot be boxed into any man-made formula.

Let me add, Jesus is in full control right now in the sorry mess into which the major denominati­ons have fallen.

Jesus controls us without the use of force or authority. Rather Jesus controls us by a special and unique divine love.

Jesus controls us with a love stronger than steel bands, more attractive than a powerful magnet, and with a hold on the soul no power in heaven or on earth can loosen. Because Jesus’ love is‘crucified love’.

The Jesus I know first died for me before he called me, first suffered for me in order to save me.

Jesus laid nail-pierced hands on my soul, I walk beside the spear-wounded side on Jesus.

Jesus wears the crown of thorns I recognise should be mine. Jesus’ crucified love, it is irresistib­le!

There is no hiding place to shelter from that gaze nor escape from that call.

This is the eternally comprehens­ive work of God summed up in one simple statement:“God so loved the world that God gave us Jesus” (John 3.16).

No human reasoning can successful­ly respond to the divine logic of the Cross. That logic is simple, the Cross equals man’s need and God solution.

When I came out of New College I knew all the answers. Now near the end of my ministry I am familiar with all the questions. Certainly for me, and I suspect for many believing Christians in contempora­ry society, mine has been a searching faith.

Often a pitiless struggle to square the pure power of God with the global forces of darkest evil.

For ever a striving to find deeper and more meaningful messages from the texts of the New Testament. But always a return to the Crucified in whom I find solace.

Mine has been a growing faith. Now I am certain that the secret of all life is found in the twin Easter events of the death and resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ.

I like to study scientific subjects such as astronomy, quantum mechanics and cosmology.

Modern scientific studies are exciting.

I hasten to add I am still learning. But I am as comfortabl­e in the secular world of science as I am in the spiritual world of worship.

Please allow this very personal account of being a Christian. It has to be personal if it will be real. Before Jesus taught me from his wisdom he caught me in his crucified love, Jesus is saying to us all:“I died for you, will you live for me?”

“I know in whom I believe and am persuaded he will guard that which I have committed to his care against that day”(2 Timothy 1.12).

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